
Monday, October 25, 2010

Too Much Hannah Montana in my home!

There is more to this story then this cute picture.

Brandon's parents took us to Arctic Circle to
grab a bite to eat. It was nice to get out and not have to
make dinner. I'm sure Lisa knew I need it with Brandon
being gone already 2 weeks. After dinner they let the
girls pick something fun to buy at the dollar store.
Paige and Sierra saw these cheap wigs and loved them.
Sierra wanted the green wig but we mentioned to Paige
that she looked like Hannah Montana and so Sierra
wanted a blond wig too. So after throwing a royal fit
I let her get a blond wig. It was not worth listening
to her cry all the way home for another lousy dollar. She gave
the green one to Riley who did not seem to care the color.
That night they danced and sang with their
wigs on. They used the T.V. and DVD remotes for
microphones and then they did a fashion show for me.

Everyone thinks Sierra is quite and timid. But not
at home when she is doing her favorite thing.
Dancing and Singing.

Sierra has always been good at memorizing lyrics.
She knows almost all the words. And she loves
dancing and singing to Hannah Montana!

Paige got into it too. Riley actually let me video her
which is surprising since she gets so embarrassed but
said I could not put it on the blog.

1 comment:

ThatGirl said...

ha ha So Cute! I Love them! I cant understand a Word Si Si is saying though.