
Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial weekend

We had a relaxing weekend at the Cabin in
Bear lake for the holiday weekend.
My sister, Kami, her husband and baby came up.
Brandon's brother and sister and their family.
And also Bran's cousin Ryan and his fiance, Tara
joined us.

It was cold but that did not stop
Brandon from doing a little 4 wheeling.
And all his girls as well.

Preparation for dinner.
Got to have the corn on the cob and...

Smores by the fire.

The next day we decided to head up to Bloomington
Lake but it was still to early in the year and the snow
had not melted off the rode. So we went as far as we could,
and hiked around a little.
Sierra loves riding on Daddy's shoulders.
Good thing she weights nothing!

Mikel keeping the wind chill off Emery.

I caught Brandon trying to get me wet
on camera. Now I have proof that
he teases me way to often!
He is in the perfect spot to be pushed
into the icy cold river. He is lucky I'm nice.

My sweet Sierra

My beautiful Riley

My fun Paige

Kami and Emery

The girls loved this huge rock.

Me and my sis, Kami

The next day was a little warmer, not bathing suit
temperature but warm enough for the kids to
play in the sand. And they loved it!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Paige's Preschool Program

Paige had her Preschool Program.
She of course got nervous and acted shy.
She giggled most of the time during the
songs the class sang.

She had her part memorized but was very shy.
Mrs. Katie helped her say it.

We are proud of you Paige.

Paige and her friend Riley Tidwell.

Paige and her friend Lyvia.

Paige and Mrs. Katie
Paige is so excited to have Mrs. Katie
be her teacher next year!
We love Katie. She always makes Paige
so happy!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Teacher gifts

I saw this cute idea in the Family Fun magazine.
Riley and Paige gave their teachers these plants
for gifts for the end of the year.
They wrote notes in side the flowers to their teachers.

Paige, wrote things like,
"You always make me happy"
or "You taught me how to write my name"

Riley, wrote things like,
"I love when you read to the class"
or "I love when you walked around the tack with me"

Sunday, May 23, 2010

28 weeks

This is just for Journal purposes.
If I ever get around to printing my blog into a book.

28 weeks Pregnant!

Riley's Finger Nail

A few weeks ago Riley crashed on her bike.
Her bike handle landed right on her finger.
And now her nail is hanging on by just the skin.
Thank goodness another nail is growing underneath.

Paige had a finger nail fall off a few months ago.
I don't ever remember loosing a fingernail as a kid,
but it seems my girls are prone to it.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Planting Flowers

We spent our weekend planting shrubs
and flowers. My girls actually wanted
to help. Probably because I got them
their own gardening gloves their size.
Now we just have to wait 5 years for these
shrubs to look like they have grown.

Planting flowers all day makes your back hurt,
not to mention bending over a huge belly!
Not the most fun.

Friday, May 14, 2010

5K Run

Every year Bluff Ridge Elementary
puts on a 5k race and carnival
as a fund raiser for the school.
This was the first year are family
participated in it. Riley wanted
to run it so Brandon got to be
her lucky escort.
This is before the race...
Their numbers, 187 & 433
Riley's and her best friend Hallie

While we waited for them to run the race we
had a little fun in the park.

Riley and Brandon got a great time for their
first race. Riley and Brandon are both
proud for finishing but mostly for beating
my time from the 5k I ran. I guess I'd better
step it up and get in shape!

They Crossed the finish line
at 29 minutes and 40 seconds.

After the race...
Riley was thrilled to have finished and
receive her own medal.

Walking off the race. Riley wanted to just sit
down. I don't blame her.

I'm so proud of Riley and Brandon.
They did such a good job!

Riley and her friends catching their breath
after the race. I'm glad I put Riley in pink pants
for the race. She stood out and I was able to spot
her just in time before she crossed the finish line.

Hallie Kofoed, Riley and Sydney Tidwell

After the race we headed to the carnival.

Sierra could hardly stand. She was getting
bounced around so much.

I love how Sierra held her golf club.

Paige trying to pop a balloon.

Riley attempting the same.

The cotton candy ran out before we could get some
so we took the girls to Dairy Queen for a treat.