
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Great Grandpa's Birthday

My Grandpa Daniel Theodore Noffsinger, 
my mom's dad had his 87th Birthday. 
 We spent the evening with family, 
Cousins, Aunts and Uncles for 
dinner at his place in West Valley.
My husband is always good to support me and my 
family.  I know some of my other family members
have trouble with husbands not putting their spouse's
family at a level of importance and My sweet Brandon
has always been so good at always wanted to go
with me when my family gets together. 

Temple Dedication

I don't know how many more Temple
dedications will be close by us so we can
go and so I was pretty happy when 
Brandon and I could take Riley to
the Brigham City Temple Dedication.
She was so excited to go.  Paige was
a little sad she could not.  So hopefully
Paige will be 8 before they rededicate
the Ogden.  It was nice to share something
like that with Riley.  Brandon and I 
have a strong testimony of temples
so to see our kids get as excited as
us about temple dedications makes
us happy! 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

10 Years of Bliss

Brandon and I had our 10 year Wedding
Anniversary this year on 
September 5th.
That day/night was not what I would have 
expected for a 10 year celebration.  
The girls had tumbling that night so we could
not go out on a date anyway.  And so I
decided to go to the relief society activity 
and after I got home Brandon went out with his 
friends for dinner.  So I sat at the Relief Society activity 
wishing I was at some nice restaurant with my husband
and hoping he felt the same way when he went out
with his friends.  
So to make up for our pathetic night my mom came
down from Idaho a couple of weeks later to watch the
 kids while Brandon and I had a couple of nights away. 
We started our get away out with a couples
massage.  We've had one before but afterwards
realized it was not as good as we remembered. 
We then took off to park city which is what we did for
our 6 year anniversary and loved it! 
The hotel was nice and we loved having all day
to spend together.  We shopped, did some early morning 
and late night swimming in a beautiful adult only pool,
 ate good food and loved just being together. 

On the way home we stopped at the Salt
Lake Temple.  It was nice to end our get
away by going to the same temple
where we started our marriage in. 

I love you, Brandon!
More than anything!
I'm so happy we've had 10 
wonderful years together and I 
can't wait to see what 10 more will

Saturday, September 15, 2012

New Soccer team

Paige started her 3rd year of Soccer
and is so excited!  She gets to play 
on the bigger field and her friends 
are on the same team, along with the same 
coach as last year!  For really not much 
practice time Paige does pretty good. 
  This is the year Riley decided soccer
was not something she wanted to 
pursue.  Will see how Paige likes it.

Her team  name this year is the
Blue Whales

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Grandma & Grandpa's House

After our Yellowstone trip we spent another day
with my mom in Idaho at her place.  The kids never
get enough of her house.  

The kids wanted to see Grandpa's cows
so we headed out to his pasture.  The dogs came
with.  And Owen thought they were fun to play 

I thought this picture illustrated Sierra's personality. 
After seeing the cows Grandma took Riley, Paige
and Owen back on the four wheeler and Grandpa,
Brandon, me and Sierra walked back to the house
through the field.  Sierra took her sweet time picking
dandelions and being in her own world. That is how
she almost always is.  In her own world taking
her sweet time doing it! 

Riley loves driving the four wheelers.  

 Owen wanted to help Grandma take in the harvest
from their garden.  After church and Lunch we headed 
home.  And the kids always wish they could stay longer. 

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Yellow Stone

Brandon and I wanted to take the family to 
Yellow Stone.  I had never been so it was
nice to have my mom and her husband John
who has been more times then he can count
with us.  It is not too far from their home.
We actually wanted to visit my mom in Idaho
but ended up making a trip to Yellow Stone
together.  On the way there we stopped
at a beautiful place I'm not sure the name
of.  Brandon had been there before when he
was a scout and John has been there many times.
The kids fed the huge fish in the river and
Grandpa, Paige and Sierra looked for fish and
cool rocks.  The drive was not very long to 
Yellow Stone but my kids get sick easy driving
so this stop was very nice and refreshing. 

Yellow Stone is such a beautiful place.  Yes you can
do a lot of driving but John knew where everything
was so we made lots of stops.  The first was at 
Norris Geyser Basin.  It was pretty incredible.

The kids had an animal check list and were getting
discouraged not seeing any wild life other then
birds.  But finally we got to see a Buffalo.
And very close to our car.  After seeing that
buffalo that is all we saw.  There was a lot of them.

 Our next stop was Mammoth Hot Springs.  The
girls loved it because it looks like snow but
it is rock that is very hot. 

The Lower and Upper Falls was a bit of a hike.
But it was nice to stretch our legs.  The kids
liked watching the cute squirrels. 
It is so pretty and amazing there not to mention
extremely high.  I don't do well with heights 
and kids.  I was slightly paranoid! 

 This is on the other side of the falls looking
at it from the other direction.  

That night after much walking and driving we
were tired and it was late.  However the kids
could not pass up swimming in the Hotel pool. 

The next day out we made a few stops at the hot pots
 and paint pots and walked the board walks. 

We stopped to snap a picture by the Yellow Stone 
sign but all the kids accept Sierra were worn
out sleeping in the car. 

Grandpa and Grandma took us out
for dinner on the way home for good
food and fun entertainment. 

The kids thought it was pretty fun getting tin
plates and a ton of food and standing in line
to be served kind of like school lunch. 
Owen got bored pretty quick but he did not go far
because of the big bear statue.  He stayed close to me
even when the girls wanted there picture by it. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

End of Summer Fun

Over Labor Day week end of course we
spent the time up in Bear Lake. 
On Sunday we went to church
and then headed to the park to play.

Owen got a kick out of tether ball with Grandma!

And the swings were also a hit with Owen!

On Monday no one wanted to go to the beach so 
we hung out and lounged for a bit until Brandon
got a little fidgety from sitting around and said
we should go swimming at sweet water. 

We just went with our family and it was so much
fun!  Riley finally dared to jump off into the deep
end with out her life jacket.  I'm glad she is making
progress. Riley does things on her own time and you 
can't push her unless she is ready. 

Brandon had to give Owen a little push at the bottom
of the slide because owen slowed to a stop. 

There are two pools at sweet water
and we went to both.  Owen was so fearless
jumping off the edge of the pool and going down
the water slide and then ending with the diving 
board at the 2nd pool. 

Paige had never jumped off a diving board
with out her life jacket and went for it all
with a cannon ball.  
Sierra just wanted to sit on the lounge chairs
and snack on food. 

The next day we headed home and made
a stop to go to the Brigham City Temple
open house.   I love living in Utah and
having the opportunity so many times to
take my kids to the temple open houses.
The Brigham temple is not that big but so
 beautiful in side.