
Monday, September 19, 2011

I hope they call me on a mission...

Brandon's cousin, Ty got his mission call to
California. The family was in town to see him off
so we had a dinner at Grandma Gardner's.
Ty is going to be a great missionary. He is very
sweet and good with people.

Good Luck Ty!
Guy, Ty, Owen, Brandon, Josh, Jeff, Tate and Bob

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Mowing the lawn

Brandon is really anxious for Owen to grow up
so he can mow the lawn. But until then Riley
will have to do. But hey she likes it and who
said your lines have to be straight!
I remember growing up always being the one
my dad asked to mow the lawn. So to this day
I don't like to mow the lawn. Specially bag it.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

V.I.P. and new car seats!

Sierra was only in school a couple of
weeks and got to bring the V.I.P.
poster to celebrate her birthday which she
had right before school started.
School gets out before her 5Th Birthday
so instead of celebrating her birthday
3 months before Mrs. Katie decided
to celebrate it a couple weeks after.
Most likely with year round school,
Sierra will still be 4 years old when
she goes into Kindergarten.
Which is so weird. She already
is so tiny for her age. But I think
she will be ready.

So it was time to get Owen out of the carrier car seat
and into a bigger one. So Sierra got to pick out
her new booster which she was thrilled about and
thank goodness Owen does not notice how old
Sierra's old car seat is. He is just happy he gets to
face forward and look at everything. His new favorite
is to be able to watch the movies his sisters got to
in the car now.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

I'm a big boy now!

Owen is only a year and a couple weeks
and thinks he can go down the big slide.
He makes me a little nervous when he climbs
and tries to swing he legs over at the top of the
slide. But he loves it and does it over and over
again while laughing and screaming the entire

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Helping Daddy

Owen helped daddy wash the car
and loved it!

Paige's new soccer team

Paige started the new soccer season.
She loves it, specially because
one of her friends, Bre is on her

Her team name is the
"Tinker bells"

Grandpa did not realize what he started.
He pays Paige a dollar for every goal she makes.
Her first game she made 3.

Friday, September 9, 2011

9th Anniversary

Brandon and I had our 9th Anniversary
on the 5th of September but were up at the
cabin so we went out another night. Isn't
that how it works since we got married on
a holiday weekend.
We decided to go out to eat at Roosters.
I liked it but it was not Brandon's favorite.
We then bought some dollar candy at the
dollar store for the movies. We learned that
cheap trick from our neighbors. Thanks friends!
We having been seeing movies at the kaysville
theater lately because it is so dang cheap.
We ended up watching the new Pirates movie.

I can't believe Brandon and I have know each other
as long as we have. He is my absolute BEST FRIEND
and I LOVE him so much!

Thanks Babe for the past 9 years!

Paige's first Dance Class

After seeing her little sister, Sierra
dance she wanted to do the same.
I thought oh what the heck my schedule
is busy why not add another class to the
Paige loves it and has fun! We'll see
if it lasts!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Owen's First Hair Cut

So Owen needed a hair cut when I realized
I could not spike his hair on top and
he started looking like a girl!
At first he did not mind the clippers but
then hated it after a while.

I could not bare to cut his cute curls in the back.
So he now has a mullet!

But even so he is a stud!

More Trouble

He's at it again!

What Older Mother says that some day us
young mothers will miss these moments and
our kids being so little.
What ever, they must have too much time on
their hands. Because this took time I did not have
to clean up.
But I love my sweet boy anyway!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Weekend

We love going to Bear Lake with the Family.
Specially the kids. They love their cousins.
We tried to keep Tate and Owen on the mat
so they could stay clean. So we put crackers
down on the mat like they were little dogs
or something! It worked for a while.

The girls loved playing follow the leader in the
mini canoes with Grandma.

We invited Riley's 1st grade teacher, Mrs. Edwards
and her family up to the cabin. Riley and her sisters
loved every minute of it. The girls even got Mrs. Edwards
to paint their nails.

We roasted marshmallows and ate yummy smores.

We watched movies and hung out.

We drove the boat around and honked the boat
horn a million times!

We jumped and flipped and of course had a few crashes!

We got better at skiing.

And tried so hard to be brave.

Then gave up and just cried.
Sierra's first time skiing.

She stayed low at first.

Then after I yelled, "stand up" a million times
she thought she would try that and get her face
out of the splashing water.

We are so proud of Sierra skiing at 4 years old.
We told her if she would have skied just 2 weeks earlier
she could have skied at age 3.

This is her happy face after skiing.

She is a little happier now that Grandpa gave
her 10 dollars for skiing.

All in all we had ton of fun!