
Saturday, March 31, 2012

No Training Wheels for Sierra

One Saturday out of the blue Sierra got all excited 
and asked me to take her training wheels off so she
could learn to ride her bike with out them.  We had
tried once before a while back but she was to scared
and not quite ready.  I took them off and held her 
bike running behind her only once and she got it!
Of course I jogged or should I say walked since 
her tires are little and she goes so slow, along side 
of her just to give her the confidence she needed.
but after a few tries she was on her own.  She
tried bailing off while she was still moving a few
times and she crashed a few times but not bad and
was up and at it again. 
Her sisters and some neighbor friends were
very invested in her learning and were cheering
her on and coaching her how to start by herself, 
which she picked up an hour later.  
Brandon had just left to priesthood so when he got
back Sierra was very excited to show her dad
what she had learned while he was gone. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Last Fire Station Field Trip

Sierra had a field trip at a Fire Station
which she has already gone to 
and which I have already gone to 
so many times since all my kids have
gone to the same preschool and they go
on this field trip each year.  I'm so
happy that it was our last.  I guess unless
I put Owen in that same preschool! 

Paige got to tag along since her
Kindergarten is in the afternoon. 
Fortunately the fireman that did the
tour did a good job and was a little 
more interesting then some in the past.

It kept Paige, Sierra and Owen's attention
for a bit.  I love how glued they are to
the fireman talking in this picture. 

They all got a turn to sit in the fire truck.  Sierra
was a bit shy and did not want to smile big. 

But Paige smiled big!

Sierra's preschool class wearing their fire hats.

We tried to get Owen to smile with his hat on but
he would not hold still for the picture. 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Daddy's Birthday

Brandon had his birthday and the girls were
happy and ready to give him his presents!

Brandon picked himself out some new shoes that we
were suppose to wrap and give him for his birthday.
 So I thought I'd play a joke on him and wrap his old
shoes so when he opened it he would be confused
and we'd all get a good laugh. 
He was totally caught off guard and yes we had 
some good laughs!
I love his face when he first sees his old shoes but
he played it off well! 

Owen had to give Daddy one last squeeze on his
birthday before bed.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Spring Soccer

Paige was so excited to start up again
with soccer.  She kept talking about
it all winter and was wishing this day
sooner.  She loves playing soccer and
is quite good at it. 
Grandma and Grandpa Gardner
would come almost to every game they
could.  And Paige loved
playing the entire game.  She never
wanted to take her turn out.

 I guess Sierra can't handle sitting the entire
lousy 30 minutes of a game.  Thank goodness
for wonderful Grandma who would walk around
with her and Owen when they got bored. 

Dining Out

For my Dad's birthday this year my sister Kami
and our Husbands took my Dad and his wife out
for dinner.  My dad wanted to eat at Red Robin.
We had a good time talking and joking around.
I don't get to spend much time with my dad
so I love when the holidays and Birthdays come
around so I can use that as an excuse to see him!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Learning to Sew

Riley has been going to Activity Days since December
and so I thought I'd better help her pass off some
goals for her for Faith in God. 
We read through some of the requirements 
and she passed some off.
One of the things she picked to do was from the 
category of Developing Talents.  She was suppose
to make something from wood, metal, fabric etc. 
and display her work for others to see. 
There was a stake Activity night for the mothers
and daughters so she decided she could display
her project there.  
Riley decided she wanted to learn to sew and
make a bag.  I'm not an expert at sewing so
I'm glad she picked something easy!  
We went to the store together and she picked
out what fabric she wanted and got to work.
She was a natural and it only took her a 
few days and she was done.  Of course
she preferred sewing then doing her homework.
So that is where she wanted to spend her time
after school!
We sat down and I taught her how to
thread the machine.  Which I remember
my mom teaching me.  And I don't remember
much but that has always stuck with me.
Thanks mom! 
I had her thread it a few times so she
would remember.  The bobbin was
a bit tricky but after a couple of times
she got it by herself. 
She cut the fabric, pinned the fabric and
sewed the fabric all herself.  The only
thing I helped with was the ironing.
I'm to much of a worry wart mom and
was not ready for her to iron yet. 

After her efforts her draw sting bag
was done.  I'm so proud of her for wanting to 
learn something new!

Good Job Riley!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Swimming fun!

We met up with Brandon's family at the Bountiful
Rec. center to swim.  Owen was so cold but
loved playing with the water toys Grandma brought.
Riley and Paige got enough courage to go down the
water slide and then they would not stop!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patrick's Day

So I've been liking St. Patrick's Day or should I say 
what they call it at school, "Leprechaun Day" more
and more each year.  It is fun to do everything
in green for the day.  I even got this cute idea to trap a
 Leprechaun off Pinterest and had the kids
make it.  They had so much fun and for sure
we thought we were going to catch one this year! 
We made a sign that read, "DANGER Don't climb
the ladder" so of course the Leprechaun would
want to do the opposite.  We then glued glitter 
all over a cotton ball to make it look like a gold nugget.
What the Leprechaun didn't know is there was a hole
under the gold so he would fall in and be trapped.                         

In the morning to our dismay there was no Leprechaun.
He cut his way out and left clues for the girls to follow.

The girls were bummed they didn't catch a 
Leprechaun but at least he left them something yummy!

Each St. Patrick's Day I take my kids pictures.
I had to add this one of Sierra because she tried
so hard to smile and it's so cute! 

Wow!  So many different colors of green and they
clash bad! 

My cute Owen so very happy!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Spring Piano Recital

Riley had her Spring Piano Recital and did
a great job!  She was just as nervous as the first
one but at least knew what to expect. 
Both Grandparents were able to come
which was neat for Riley.
Riley got to pick her songs that she played for the recital.
She played the song, "Firefly"as a duet with her teacher.
And the song, "The bugle Boys" as a solo.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Diaper Babies

All the family had dinner at Grandma's house.
And after the kids played and had fun.  
The babies danced around in their diapers and loved it!
They are all so cute in their diapers!  Sorry Austin you
could not join the "Diaper Baby" club!  Maybe this
"Bailee boo" , "O" boy and "Tater tot"

Bubble Gum Jewelry

So while the kids were off track I tried to be a fun
mom and do actives and go fun places.  
This is one of those things.
"Bubble Gum Jewelry"
I got the idea off Pinterest and it actually took so
much longer then I originally thought. 
It was to hard for the girls to make the holes
in the gum so I ended up doing all of them. 
They also had a hard time tying the knots in the
right place.  So after basically doing them all myself
the girls got to wear them and eat them and it made
them happy.  So I guess it was worth it, once!
And not again! 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Dr. Seuss Day

The girls school was celebrating
Dr. Seuss Day.  They did fun things
such as eat green eggs and ham 
and play Dr. Seuss games.

To add to the fun of the day I made these
chocolate green eggs and ham for 
Paige's class.  They were easy and
fun to make.