
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween 2010

Brandon went out of town for work for 3 weeks
to Hawaii. Yes we were all jealous but more
so missed him like crazy. We are so happy to have
him back and not just because he brought us all
gifts back. The girls loved their hula skirts, and
necklaces. They played in them for days.
Brandon's flight was delayed 2 hours so we picked
him up at the airport at 11:00 pm. The girls
were so tired and fell asleep unable to say hi
to their Daddy. Paige was happy that Brandon
made it home for her last soccer game. The girls and I
just followed him around the house
all morning. We could not get enough of him.
We missed him so much.
And he missed us all too!

My sweet husband bought me cute earrings.
He totally knows my taste in jewelry.
And he got me the most beautiful Pearl
necklace. I absolutely love it!

Cutting it close don't you think? Brandon got
home just in time to carve pumpkins before

What cute, "3 Little Pigs". And one
darling, "Big Bad Wolf".

The Trunk Or Treat, right before it down poured.

Hallie and Riley

I thought after being drenched from the rain
the girls would want to stay home and bag
going out trick or treating. But I thought wrong.

Of course the girls thought it would be fun
to trick or treat at their own house.

The girls pumpkins.
Riley's, Paige's and Sierra's.
They all decided what they wanted their
Jack O lantern to look like.

Finally after everything we got to eat dinner
right before it was time to get ready for bed.
Yummy taco soup and corn bread.
It was so nice to have a family meal with
Brandon back home.


allison said...

I am so glad he got home okay. I am sure you are glad too.

allison said...

Love the Halloween Costumns!