
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Wolf Mountain

We tried a new ski hill and the kids ended up liking
it.  The lift was a pain though.  Way to high for the
kids to get on.  I've always had to lift  Sierra on 
because she is so little but Paige and Riley
  jump and hope they get on.  One time
when Paige was behind us in the line, tried
getting on and slipped to the ground and had
to duck so she did not get hit by the lift.  
They seriously need to build it up under the
lift.  They told us they could slow it down but
they did not realize that was not the problem. 
Oh well. 

Owen made good progress with Brandon on 
the magic carpet and the small sloped hill
next to it.  He skied without Brandon and
learned to turn and snow plow.  It is so cute. 

 The video quality is not the best.  You can kind of
tell what Brandon is teaching Owen.  Brandon puts
his hands to one side and Owen copies him with 
his hands and it helps him learn to turn. After
trying a few times Owen said to Brandon, "Dad
I don't have to use my hands".   So cute! 

My girls were pretty fearless.  They wanted me to 
go off the box but I knew better! 
Sierra goes nice and easy over the box but
cruises down the hill after and it makes Brandon
and I nervous.  But she is pretty in control of what
she does.  She knows her limits.  Where as Paige
just goes for it and had some good crashes.  

Paige said she like the feeling of getting air!
She also said by the end of the day that she
wanted to try boarding.  Maybe next year.
Once thing at a time.

Riley  has surprised me skiing.  She really has got
into it and does a pretty good job.  She is still 
scared of the lift hight like me and the really steep
hills but she was daring enough to go on the box
and other jumps.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Skiing Again...

We went out again for the second time as a 
family to ski at Brighton.  
It was a much better experience then the first time 
we went.  And we were more prepared. 
We gave the kids hand warmers and they were 
much happier.  And the warmer weather helped too. 
We went on different runs and the girls liked the
challenge.  Sierra kept asking if we could go on 
a blue square run.  I guess she was more confidant
then the first time or just bored of the bunny hills. 

We had are lunch in the truck again.   

My cute little skiers!   

Poor me, the only boarder.  I am too chicken to ski.  I have
not skied since I was in Jr. High.  I know it would be a 
disaster.  So I just stick with what I know.  Maybe when
Paige tries boarding I'll try skiing!  

I loved being up there with my family but specially 
my Sweet Heart.  It brings back memories of all
the times we went together when were were dating. 

Owen was pretty exhausted by the end of the day
and Riley thought that looked like a good idea.
I was about ready to join them.  

Sierra and Paige were still ready to do some more
runs.   This hill was a little more challenging for the
kids but they had good attitudes when they fell.
We split up and Paige and Riley went on this run
again with me.  What made me laugh was when I
was following the girls down and Riley fell and 
all I saw was her hand stick up and say, "I'm okay,
I'm okay"!  And then she popped right back up. 
I'm sure you had to be there for it to be as funny 
as I thought but now it's written down for  her and
 I to laugh about! 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


My sweet niece, Emery had a birthday and turned 4!
My sister, Kami through her a Pirate Party.  Emery loves
pirates.  Kami fed us all dinner and had fun games in the
garage for the kids to play.  Throwing the ring around
Captain Hook's hook, digging for pirate gold and a pinata. 
Emery did not look to happy in this picture but I think
she had a good time! 

Monday, January 13, 2014

SnOw FoRt

Riley and her friend one day after school started building a 
snow fort.  A few days later Paige, Sierra and Owen
wanted to help and it became a big snow fort.  
Riley was very proud of her fort, with all the seats and
cubby holes for who knows what.  
They would have played all day in the fort if it was 
not for the warm day and the snow that was so wet.
Their snow clothes were soaked.  I could ring them out. 
But they had fun! And I'm sure when all the rest of the
snow is melted their fort will remain and be the last to go. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Family Ski Trip

For Christmas this year Brandon and I
decided to take the kids skiing.  We
fitted them all for skis before
Christmas so they knew but we
surprised them with ski school passes
on Christmas morning. 

So when we had a free day with all
the family we went to Brighton ski
resort to ski.

The girls went to ski school while
Me, Brandon and Owen tried out
the hills.  Riley was some how
put in the wrong ski school class
and spent most of the time waiting
for the other two in her class
to not fall standing up.  But
she eventually made it to the lift
and had fun. 

Owen did better then his 
first time at the cabin.  He liked the lift
 and called it, "the ride". 
Poor Brandon having to squat most of 
the day holding Owen up made him sore. 

For lunch we climbed in the back of the truck and 
shut the hatch.  It was nice and cozy in their.  We
packed a lunch and goodies along with hot

After lunch we geared up again to go out together.
The girls were done with ski school and we all
wanted to try the bigger hill. 
Brandon went on a lift with Owen and Paige.
And I went with Sierra and Riley.  I had to lift 
Sierra on the lift because she was to short.  I also had 
to lift her off because her legs did not reach. 

The kids did not like the big hill as much.  
And by then Everyones hands were frozen.
I took Owen in the lodge while Brandon
went with the girls to the bunny hill. 
Owen sat on my lap and fell asleep
instantly.  He was so tired and cold.

The kids skied better then Brandon 
and I thought they were going to ski.
Hopefully when we go 
again we can be more prepared with
hand warmers.