
Sunday, October 10, 2010

Owen's Blessing Day

Owen's Special Day!

He was so excited in this picture!

Until he got hungry!
Mikel and Owen

Jeff and Owen

What a cute "sad" face!
He wants his Mommy! a.k.a. Food!

My Mom and her Dad
Four generations.

Brandon's Dad and his Dad.
Four generations

My cute little family!

Half of my family.
My brothers were not there.

My sisters!

Most of the Gardner Family.
Missing Brandon's sister.

Bob taking a nap on the front lawn.

My sweet boy.
He was so tired. He kept falling
asleep during his photo shoot!
He looked like a temple worker in
his suit.
My little Owen is so dang cute!
I just LOVE him!

The girls wrestling with Uncle Mikel.


Mjika said...

His blessing was beautiful! He is so cute and getting big so fast!

Connie said...

Congrats on the blessing! Owen is adorable. And you are so skinny after having a baby, it's not fair. You look great!

Larson's said...

I am so sorry that I didn't get the invite. I wish that I could have come. He is so adorable and you are beautiful!