
Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Weekend at the Cabin

So it was that time of year to head to the cabin
with all the family to begin the summer season.
Of course the first five minutes Owen jumped on 
the 4 wheeler and stayed there a bit!

Brandon slid down behind the fireplace to wire
up an outlet for Bob's lighted trees. 

Owen and Bailee were so cute snacking and for some
reason wanted to lay on the kitchen floor and pose
the same. 

Riley made a tunnel over the stairs.
Along with giving a kid a card
board box to play with 
you can now add foam pads to that list.
The kids love them and think up of all sorts 
of things to do with them. 

Owen tried on Brandon's work boots and thought
he was cool stuff!

Brandon made shakes for the kids with Owen's help!

Owen loves following our little friend dog around. 

Owen was glad Brandon wanted to ride because that
is all Owen wanted to do. 

Riley thinks she is so mature now being able to drive
the 4 wheeler all by herself now!  She about ran it out
of gas going up and down the hill.  I don't think she ever
got tired of it.  We told Riley the next time were were
up at the cabin she would not be able to drive the
4 wheeler unless she tried skiing.  She did not like
that deal.  

Owen even got Grandma to take him on a ride too!

We also shot some guns.  Sierra was the only kid who
came to join in on the fun. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Sierra's Preschool Graduation

Sierra had her Preschool Graduation!
Sierra loves her teacher, Mrs. Katie.
She will miss her.  Sierra practiced
for her program part a ton and was 
excited to say it in the microphone.
I was surprised she actually said it.
Riley and Paige got to nervous to 
say their parts at their programs. 

Sierra was doing her funny dance, Tutita!

Sierra practiced
for her program part a ton and was 
excited to say it in the microphone.
I was surprised she actually said it.
Riley and Paige got to nervous to 
say their parts at their programs. 
She also was able to recite her phone number
that she practiced to memorize.  

Sierra has such a cute smile.  She was getting her
cap and graduation certificate. 

My big Sierra is growing up too fast. 

Grandma and Grandpa came to watch her

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dance Pictures

Sierra and Paige took dance at Light Box dance
studio in Kaysville for a year and enjoyed it most
of the time.  They hated having to leave for dance
when they wanted to play with friends. 
But once they were there they really enjoyed dancing. 
They really loved getting in their
dance costume and getting their hair all done up
nice for pictures.  I spent forever taking tiny sections 
of hair and spiral curling them.  

I really do not like how the group pictures turned out.  
The white background washes the girls faces out
not to mention they smoothed over all the girls 
faces a bit too much.  It looks like Sierra has
no eye brows. 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Preschool Carnival

Sierra had her Preschool Carnival.  And that was the
last day of Preschool for her.  Yeah! 
I wonder if she'll even remember it.
The kids seem to have fun even though the
adults are dying of heat and boredom!

Sierra likes getting her face painted.  In this case
Paint stamped! 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Regional Stake Conference

It was our Regional Stake Conference and our
Stake was invited to the Conference center
in Salt Lake City.  I totally wanted to
just stay in town and watch it broadcasted
at a church building but we don't get this 
opportunity very often and I wanted my girls
to have the experience.  They were very 
reverent which I was worried about having 
to sit there for two almost 3 hours.  
Owen got a little bored but we made it 
through and Riley sat and listened the entire 
time and did not want coloring books. 
What a sweetie! 

After we let the girls walk around and look at
the waterfall coming down the conference center.
We ran into a bunch of friends from our ward. 
Which was nice to see!  Way to go Legacy Park

We promised the kids we'd take them to see
the Christ statue in the Visitors Center.

I love this picture.  My girls and
one of my favorite places to go. 

What a wonderful day!
  My kids were so cute asking what state we were in. 
 I just laughed and said we are still in Utah.  Man I need to get 
my kids out more! I think they had a culture shock in Salt
Lake.  Being from Syracuse and all that would do it!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Tinker Bells Last game

Paige had her last soccer game as a Tinker Bell!
She loved every moment of it and did not want it 
to end!  She was a little bummed she did not get a 
trophy but still gave a smile and showed off her medal. 

Paige told me one day, "Mom I love soccer
and it's my thing"!  Meaning her thing that she
is good at.  I've told my kids they can't be good 
at everything but they can have fun trying! In hopes
that they would not get to frustrated when things 
did not come to easy and they wanted it to. 

For Paige though she is good at soccer. 
She is aggressive and not afraid to go after the ball. 
She knows how to kick the ball with both feet
and her defense is amazing!
We'll see how next season goes.  They play
 on a larger field with more teammates and
a practice during the week. 

Paige did a nice save and got the ball before it went
out and turned it for a goal. 

Paige took the ball down the field and made a goal. 
That happened often.  Paige making goals. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Swim Lessons

All the girls had swim lessons at Clearfield Aquatic
center.  It was when they were off track.
It was Sierra's first time.  She did very 
well compared to her older sisters first time.
She was not even scared to be in the water.
I remember Riley first swim lesson.  Of course 
she was much younger then Sierra was but she
cried and did not want to go ever day for her
I'm pretty impressed with Riley and
Paige's teacher.  I felt like my money was well
spent this time for swim lessons.                                     

I thought I'd post these videos for the Grandma's
who I'm sure would have loved to come watch
but could not. 







The kids got to have a bit of free time
the last day of their lessons.  Of course
they loved that!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mothers Day 2012

What makes me the happiest is being with my family.
I love my cute kids!
They were so excited to give me gifts that Brandon helped
them wrap for Mothers Day!

Sierra even decorated the white wrapping paper
for me. 

After church that night we had family over for a BBQ.
Tate, Sierra, Riley, Owen, Paige and Josh all enjoying
their yummy dinner. 

Brandon and his wonderful Mother! 

I'm so blessed to be a mother to the 4 cutest kids ever!
But even more I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful
Mother and Mother in Law.  They truly are such
righteous Women and such great examples to me.

Thanks for being my Mother!
I love you both!  

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Petting Zoo and More

Riley's teacher sent us an email letting us know
about a petting zoo/carnival that was going on
in Kaysville.  We had many things to get done
this particular Saturday but I wanted to do something
fun with the kids and have some family time.  
The kids wanted to stay and play with there friends
and Brandon had to quickly finish up staining the
deck but after we got there the kids were glad 
I made them go. 

We got to pet baby animals which is always so fun!
They are so cute! But after we touch them I'm grossed  
out and my kids have to immerse their hand in
hand sanitizer!
Owen loved looking at all the animals but was 
so scarred to touch them.  So Brandon held
Owen's arm to pet a baby goat.  You usually  have your
kids sanitize their hands after they pet an animal but
these baby goat owners wanted you to sanitize your
hands before you pet their baby goat.  Kind of weird!
The kids also got to feed chips to goats. 

The girls rode horses and Owen just watched.
He loves them but at a distance.
They made the girls wear these helmets that everyone
wore.  Yuck!  They sprayed lysol in them after 
each use but they looked so disgusting.
Oh well the girls did not seem to care too much.
Maybe Riley noticed but she wanted to ride the 
horse and conquer her fear of them after being
thrown off years ago. 

Riley was thrilled about getting her face painted 
since the last carnival we went to which was at 
her school wanted money for it and this time 
it was free.

They held baby ducks, so cute and chickens, and
even rabbits. 

Then Paige saw the rock wall and wanted
to give it a try.  She did pretty good half
way up and then got a little nervous and
said it was too hard.  We cheered her on
so she got 75 percent of the way and
that is where she was done.   

After watching Paige, Riley thought she could make it
to the top to ring the bell.  She climbed quite fast
and got one grab away from the bell but the bell
for some reason was too hard to reach out and 

Sierra would have not been able to climb the wall
so we let her and owen ride the train.  And since
they were closing soon they let Riley and Paige 
ride also!