
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Wrestling with Daddy

One of the girls favorite things to do with daddy
is wrestle. And since he has been gone for
the past 3 weeks it was due time.
All I have to say is I'm glad it's not me.
They can be pretty rough. But Brandon can
handle it.

They try so hard to beat up on Brandon
but he just sits there and laughs!

They like playing steam roller. Brandon is the
steam roller and the girls try to get out of his
way. Sierra plays it safe on the couch.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween 2010

Brandon went out of town for work for 3 weeks
to Hawaii. Yes we were all jealous but more
so missed him like crazy. We are so happy to have
him back and not just because he brought us all
gifts back. The girls loved their hula skirts, and
necklaces. They played in them for days.
Brandon's flight was delayed 2 hours so we picked
him up at the airport at 11:00 pm. The girls
were so tired and fell asleep unable to say hi
to their Daddy. Paige was happy that Brandon
made it home for her last soccer game. The girls and I
just followed him around the house
all morning. We could not get enough of him.
We missed him so much.
And he missed us all too!

My sweet husband bought me cute earrings.
He totally knows my taste in jewelry.
And he got me the most beautiful Pearl
necklace. I absolutely love it!

Cutting it close don't you think? Brandon got
home just in time to carve pumpkins before

What cute, "3 Little Pigs". And one
darling, "Big Bad Wolf".

The Trunk Or Treat, right before it down poured.

Hallie and Riley

I thought after being drenched from the rain
the girls would want to stay home and bag
going out trick or treating. But I thought wrong.

Of course the girls thought it would be fun
to trick or treat at their own house.

The girls pumpkins.
Riley's, Paige's and Sierra's.
They all decided what they wanted their
Jack O lantern to look like.

Finally after everything we got to eat dinner
right before it was time to get ready for bed.
Yummy taco soup and corn bread.
It was so nice to have a family meal with
Brandon back home.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Bluff Ridge 5k

I wanted to help out at Riley's party
but I was a big late because my
car would not start. The Battery
was completely dead. So by the time I
had my brother in law come and jump
the car the party was about over. But
Riley had a good time. She is always
wanting me to help out and I would love
to like I did when she was in Kindergarten
but with a new baby it is hard to find
the right moment. Riley just loves her
teacher, Mrs. Edwards. And she is so excited
that her teacher is having a baby boy!

After the party we got ready for the 5k race
at Riley's school. This will be Riley's 2nd 5k and in
one years time.
Riley and her best friend Hallie.

While the girls ran the race we hung out
with the rock legend, "KISS".
A.K.A. Bro. Brett Coleman

The last 5k Riley ran with her dad and they
prepared but this race her dad was out of town
and I could never go running with her.
So she took her time running and walking the race
but eventually made it to the finish.
Riley and her friends held hands as they got closer
to the finish line. So cute!

I'm proud of her. That can be hard when your
not use to running.

Riley and some of her running buddies showing
off their cool necklace.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Baby Smiles!

One of my most favorite things are
when babies smile at you.
Special cute sweet ones like Owen.
He is getting bigger but this picture
makes him look a lot chubbier!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Preschool Halloween Party

Paige was so excited to go to her
school party! She laughed when
ever we talked about her cute piggy tail.

I think Paige is enjoying school better this year
not only because she is older but because
she has it with her best friends. Elsie and Riley.

Sierra enjoys school even though all morning
before she goes she says she does not want to.
I think she just gets nervous. But ends up
having a great time.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

My mom came down from Idaho and while she
was here we celebrated her Birthday.
My girls got tired of waiting so they watched a little
T.V. on my bed. The T.V. even caught Owen's eye.

My mom picked Steak for her Birthday dinner.
Good choice mom!
These are all my mom's Grand kids.
My kids make up the majority of her grand children.
Madi, Sierra, Riley, Paige, Aidan, Owen and Emery

Owen loves to be held.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Too Much Hannah Montana in my home!

There is more to this story then this cute picture.

Brandon's parents took us to Arctic Circle to
grab a bite to eat. It was nice to get out and not have to
make dinner. I'm sure Lisa knew I need it with Brandon
being gone already 2 weeks. After dinner they let the
girls pick something fun to buy at the dollar store.
Paige and Sierra saw these cheap wigs and loved them.
Sierra wanted the green wig but we mentioned to Paige
that she looked like Hannah Montana and so Sierra
wanted a blond wig too. So after throwing a royal fit
I let her get a blond wig. It was not worth listening
to her cry all the way home for another lousy dollar. She gave
the green one to Riley who did not seem to care the color.
That night they danced and sang with their
wigs on. They used the T.V. and DVD remotes for
microphones and then they did a fashion show for me.

Everyone thinks Sierra is quite and timid. But not
at home when she is doing her favorite thing.
Dancing and Singing.

Sierra has always been good at memorizing lyrics.
She knows almost all the words. And she loves
dancing and singing to Hannah Montana!

Paige got into it too. Riley actually let me video her
which is surprising since she gets so embarrassed but
said I could not put it on the blog.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Camera Thief

On occasion, Riley stills my camera and I get
weird random pictures on my camera. But
this one is actually pretty decent. She said
that Owen was hugging her Teddy bear.
I was hoping before
Owen was born that he would have his
daddy's brown eyes, but I'm loving his big blues!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Soccer in the pouring Rain

This Fall we have been very lucky with
good warm weather for the girls to play
soccer in. So when it became a pour down
of rain we could not complain to bad.
Paige loved the size of her doughnut.
It is bigger than her head.

Don't think that Jill and I are bad moms by not
putting are girls in hats, gloves and sweaters in
the cold weather with pouring rain.
We did have them all bundled up. But they
claimed they were hot. Their hair was soaked.
And they slipped a few times on the grass, but
had a good time plying their last game.

Riley is in the Light pink jacket.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Night out with Friends

We went as a group of neighbors to
Black Island Farms.
The kids had a blast even though it got
a little chilly at night.

They thought they were so cool waiting for
all the others to come down the Big Black Slide.
Kali, Hallie, Paige, Lincoln, Riley, Elsie, Brakkin, Sydnee, Zion & Taebia

We all thought the corn maze would be easy
but after walking for a while and hitting
a dead end we gave up and cheated our way out.
It was a little tricky with my stroller but we
made it out. Shane helped sierra get some
corn and carried her all the way. Her little legs
could not keep up.

This was the only slide sierra was not afraid of.

Usually I would say, "me and my girls". But now
I've got my little Owen. He loved being all bundled
up in the stroller.

The Tidwells and Conines left so we went over to
the teeter tooter and corn box with the Kofoeds.

It looks like so much fun to be a kid!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bed Time Stories

This was so sweet I could not help but snap a
picture. Riley reading the kids a bed time story.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Preschool Fieldtrip

Sierra and Paige had their Preschool Field Trip
at Black Island Farms.
Poor Sierra was getting over the Stomach flu and
was so exhausted. She slept the entire time there.

I let Riley skip school to come along.

Paige Picking out her pumpkin to take home.

Paige with her Preschool friends,
Riley and Elsie

I invited my sister and her family to come along.
Riley helping Maddie and Aidan down the slide.

I used my sisters stroller which was a life
saver. Sierra slept below on a little bed
while Owen loved chilling and watching everyone.
It looked so funny with Sierra's feet
hanging out below Owen. It looks like I have a
freak baby that is really tall.
My little Owen loved sitting up in the stroller and
to look around.

Sierra woke up when she heard us mention the
train. She loves it. But then she was too sick and
fell back a sleep.