
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Kristie's Birthday

I had my 29th Birthday. My last year until
I'm 30. So Crazy. I never thought I'd be were I'm
at today. Happily married with 4 beautiful
children. I could not be any happier!

We took the kids swimming at Brandon's
family reunion down by tooele city. I even had
fun going off the diving board with Riley.
No I did not dive. I'm not sure I even know how to
any more!
We then headed back home to the Jensen Park
in Syracuse to hear the free band play. It happened
to be my dad's band playing. They sang me a Happy Birthday
song in front of everyone and then incorporated my name
in a popular song. I was a little embarrassed to say the least.
Brandon invited the family over the next day
for chocolate cake, which I love and he made
me home made Ice cream. Yum!
What a sweet husband.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Riley's 1st day of 2nd Grade

Riley was so excited and not even
nervous to start 2nd grade. It could
be that she only had a 3 week summer
break. Or it could be that she just
loves school. I let her pick her outfit.

Riley is in a portable this year. She thinks
that is pretty cool. The one with the Red door.
She has a bunch of friends in her class that live
on our street. Hallie, Jake, Spencer and Whitney.

Riley and Hallie
They are such cute girls!

Riley found her desk right away and sat
down and got right to work.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Salt Lake City

Fortunately this year we were home when the
24th of July parade was going on. My Aunt
Sandy and her family had a spot saved and let
us sit in their shade. We barely made
it in time to see the Prophet at the beginning
of the 2 hour parade. However his windows
were rolled up so you could only see his
silhouette. But you could tell it was definitely
him and his wife. He had 4 security guards
walking along the sides of the car.
Of course Sierra was happy just sitting and
snacking the entire parade. I loved all the
marching bands and my girls loved
the big floats and all the city royalties.

After the parade we headed to gateway to grab some
lunch and then we let the kids play in the water.
Owen just laughed. And he kept leaning
right over the hole and the water kept hitting
him right in the face. Sometimes he would laugh
and other times he was a little shocked.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

North Beach

My girls can't get enough of Bear Lake.
Although the drive we could all do with out.
But being up there, specially with family are
some of the best times.

The mini canoes are so much fun.

Owen did not need a tutorial on how to
play in the sand. He was born a beach bum!

Owen misses daddy when he goes for a while
on the boat. He cries when Brandon tries to leave the
beach and walk to the boat. Owen can be both
a daddy's boy and a mommy's boy.

Owen tried out the new tube. He about
fell asleep on the ride.

Not Brandon and I though. We had a rough
bouncy ride.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

More Summer fun

So there were a few things I wanted to do with
the kids while they had a short 3 week summer
before school started. Going to the movies
was one of them. Unfortunately Brandon
had to work.
I took the kids to the Kaysville theater to see
Soul Surfer. They loved it and the pop corn
and candy was a plus.

Later that night the Hardisons invited us
to swim and have dinner. The kids had a ton
of fun. And it was nice to have Brandon be with
us. I actually got my hair wet and did some
swimming! That usually is not the case since I
have to watch Owen.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Roy Aquatic

Even though taking four kids to the pool
by my self is tough I wanted the kids to
have a fun summer and not ever say that
their mom did not do fun things with them!

It was quite funny that Riley's friend
Hallie and her family were at the pool as well.
I was thinking on inviting them but decided
not to and what a surprise when Paige said,
"Hey mom I think that is Jill". And so the
girls had a friend to play with. And a dad (Kyle)
to take them down the big slide.

Owen wore me out. He did not hold back
when I put him in the water. He thought he
could walk into the water with no worries.

Sierra is feeling a little more confident in
her life jacket. She went down the slide
with out even asking me to watch.

We met my sister there so that was fun.
We will have to do that again but maybe next
time with Brandon.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Fish Farm

We have been doing so many fun things already
this summer and to add to it Grandpa & Grandma
Gardner took us to the Fish farm.
That is my kind of fishing. I'm not very
good at waiting. There were so many fish.

Riley loved it and caught a bunch of fish.
She even picked up a fish and held it.

Paige was another story.
She was a little nervous when the fish came out
of the water flopping around. She wanted to
get away from it. She did not want to touch it
and was trying to be brave in this picture but
then she eventually could not be brave any
longer and busted into tears.
I don't think she wants to fish for a while.
But she did say she wanted to eat it.
We'll see I guess!

Owen trying to get a peek at the fish in the

After watching Paige cry Sierra
decided she would rather just pretend to
fish with out the hook. She liked to
reel it in but with no hook and fish.
I finally talked her into it if I held
her tight and told her she did not have
to hold the fish.
She caught a fish and kept her distance.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Farmington parade

We went to the Farmington parade because
my girls love watching parades. It was a good
thing they threw out otter pops. It was so
dang hot. And we did not have any shade.
The babies sat under Grandma's umbrella.

Later that day we went swimming at a
community pool for Jenny's birthday.
Owen cried at first being in the water
but then got use to it and had so much fun!

The cousins.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

This Is The Place


Grandma Gardner took the grand kids to
Heritage Park in Salt Lake. The kids loved it
and enjoyed doing things like the pioneers did.

They washed clothes on a wash board.

Then hung it up to dry.

They got to decorate a little draw string bag.

They had pony rides. Riley was a little nervous
after being bucked of a horse before but
this ride was pretty mellow.



There was a little petting zoo with a pig, some goats
and a horse. Owen got way excited when he
was petting the goat. He just followed the goat
around and kept getting urges to squeeze the goat.

The girls pretended they were at school and wrote
their names on little chalk boards. They realized
that school back then is very strict

They were fascinated with the banker who told
them about the different value of the coins.

They rode train.

They dug for gold.

They made arrow head necklaces and rode on
a mini train ride and pounded leather.

Other then the heat of the day it was very fun.
I had no idea this place existed.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Discovery Museum

Before my sister and her kids moved out of
state my mom took all the grand kids to
the discovery museum in Salt Lake. This is the
best picture we could take. The kids were to
excited to go play and did not want to hold
still. Owen did not want to get out of his stroller
for the picture and got upset.
Riley, Owen, Aidan, Sierra, Paige, Emery and Maddie

The girls loved the shopping market the best.
Riley shopped and made deli fresh sandwiches
for all the shoppers.

Sierra just shopped and filled too much stuff in
her basket.

Paige spent a long time being the cashier.
It was cute to see all my girls play pretend
with all the other kids even though they did not
know them.

Owen just walked around and would not stay in
one spot for too long.
Emery and Owen

At first Owen would not let go of the toy
lawn mower. We have one at home and so
I think maybe that is why he liked it so much
because he knew what it was.

Later that night we surprised my Sister, Kate
at her house with her children who were with
Grandma all day so she could pack and we brought
pizza and presents. Saying she was shocked was an
understatement. I don't think she was prepared
to have company, nor did she want it. But
there we were. We were celebrating her birthday
a couple weeks early.
Sierra and her cousin Maddie are a month
apart and have so much fun together.

It's too bad my other sister Karissa could
not make it down to be with us.
Kami, Kate and Kristie