
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Cleaning the Church

"No running in the church"
My girls were to pumped to clean the church.
It was our families turn. When I signed up
I did not realize Brandon would have to
work late and I would be on my own with
the girls. We get an hour to clean the windows,
bathrooms, and class rooms before mutual starts.
We barley made it. By myself I probably could have
cleaned it in half the time we did. But my girls
were so excited to help clean the Lords house.

We started with the doors. Which ended up with
their finger prints on them anyway.

I got to change the garbage. Yuck!

Sierra put the bags back in. She was very particular
and did it very well. I was surprised.

Paige got to hold the toilet paper roll key.
Which took me forever to find.

Smelly Diaper pails!

The girls were very motivated and helpful.
They did a good job!
I'm glad I was able to show the girls how
to serve, but I think it will be a while before
we do it again.


Jill said...

I didn't know you were by yourself, you should have called me I would have come and helped you.

Mjika said...

You are so good to take the girls and do that by yourselves. What a great experience that they will remember.