
Monday, May 10, 2010

Riley's Dance Program

Riley had her end of year Dance Performance.
The Elementary had an after school Dance
Program that the girls could participate in.
Riley was nervous to try something new and
had a hard time at the beginning. But she ended up
loving it and was glad she did it.
She is sitting towards the left next to
the dance instructors.
The instructors were Clearfield High
Cheer Leaders.
Riley thought that was cool.

Riley is not way big on dancing like she is other
activities but she does love getting her hair curled
and pulled up and putting on moms makeup!
I love putting mascara on her. She has triple the
length in lashes then me.

Grandma and Grandpa Gardner are always
so good to show their love to my family.


Rachael said...

Riley looks so beautiful! And I am so grateful the gardners passed on their long eyelashes as well.

Michelle said...

She looks so much like you!!! How did the cheerleaders? Did it bring back memories?