
Friday, May 7, 2010

Dentist Visit

Our family went in for our 6 month teeth cleaning.
Riley was thrilled when the hygienist told her
that she would be loosing two teeth in the
next couple of months. She has been wanting
loose teeth for ever. I'm not sure why she wants
a toothless smile for a small price to pay from
the tooth fairy. I'm sure when she looses the first
one she'll then realize it's not that cool.
This was Paige's 2nd teeth cleaning ever. The first
one she would not even open her mouth. She did
great this time. I guess she has grown up in
the last 6 months.
She was pretty excited to get a new toothbrush.
And I'm happy to say the girls are cavity free.
The next time we have our cleaning Sierra will
be old enough so we tried to prepare her this time.
She sat on the dentist chair with Paige and
also received a new toothbrush. But she was
still pretty skeptical of everything.

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