
Friday, May 14, 2010

5K Run

Every year Bluff Ridge Elementary
puts on a 5k race and carnival
as a fund raiser for the school.
This was the first year are family
participated in it. Riley wanted
to run it so Brandon got to be
her lucky escort.
This is before the race...
Their numbers, 187 & 433
Riley's and her best friend Hallie

While we waited for them to run the race we
had a little fun in the park.

Riley and Brandon got a great time for their
first race. Riley and Brandon are both
proud for finishing but mostly for beating
my time from the 5k I ran. I guess I'd better
step it up and get in shape!

They Crossed the finish line
at 29 minutes and 40 seconds.

After the race...
Riley was thrilled to have finished and
receive her own medal.

Walking off the race. Riley wanted to just sit
down. I don't blame her.

I'm so proud of Riley and Brandon.
They did such a good job!

Riley and her friends catching their breath
after the race. I'm glad I put Riley in pink pants
for the race. She stood out and I was able to spot
her just in time before she crossed the finish line.

Hallie Kofoed, Riley and Sydney Tidwell

After the race we headed to the carnival.

Sierra could hardly stand. She was getting
bounced around so much.

I love how Sierra held her golf club.

Paige trying to pop a balloon.

Riley attempting the same.

The cotton candy ran out before we could get some
so we took the girls to Dairy Queen for a treat.

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