
Saturday, May 8, 2010

A family get together

My family was in town visiting for a family
BBQ in honor of my brother in law, Stephen.
We were celebrating his Graduation from
the University of Maryland with the degree
of Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
with a minor in Human resource Management.

We are all pretty proud of him!

My little Brother and his wife stayed the night.
The girls were in love with his new ipad.
I seriously need one of those. Look how it keeps
them occupied!

Later that evening we went to my sister, Kate's
new place also in Syracuse and had a BBQ and
played this new game called, "Curse".
It is the funniest game. Notice Brandon giving
him self bunny ears. That is just a part of what
you have to do when playing this game.
Only my family will understand this but I need
to say a few things...

"that sounds delious!"
"Attention Class!"
"I can't talk with this golf ball in my mouth!"
"A chu, A chu"
"Those dang mosquitoes"
"My elbows won't bend"
"Really, that is so fascinating!"
"Ooo,Ooo, Ahh, Ahh, I'm an Ape"

Can't have a family party with out the good stuff.
Popsicles and Ice Cream!
The girls love it!

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