
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Planting Flowers

We spent our weekend planting shrubs
and flowers. My girls actually wanted
to help. Probably because I got them
their own gardening gloves their size.
Now we just have to wait 5 years for these
shrubs to look like they have grown.

Planting flowers all day makes your back hurt,
not to mention bending over a huge belly!
Not the most fun.


Love Family said...

K how cute are you Miss don't even look that prego! :) I love it! You are one lucky lady! Love all your pictures and the tradition of the one on the porch for Mothers Day. I might have to steal that idea. ps. I LOVE the name Owen!

Breanne Garcia said...

Congrats (on being pregnant) It's not fair you can be gardening and pregnant and still look beautiful! :)

Michelle said...

Ah, I love planting flowers!!! I'll bet your bushes will grow a lot faster than you think!