
Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial weekend

We had a relaxing weekend at the Cabin in
Bear lake for the holiday weekend.
My sister, Kami, her husband and baby came up.
Brandon's brother and sister and their family.
And also Bran's cousin Ryan and his fiance, Tara
joined us.

It was cold but that did not stop
Brandon from doing a little 4 wheeling.
And all his girls as well.

Preparation for dinner.
Got to have the corn on the cob and...

Smores by the fire.

The next day we decided to head up to Bloomington
Lake but it was still to early in the year and the snow
had not melted off the rode. So we went as far as we could,
and hiked around a little.
Sierra loves riding on Daddy's shoulders.
Good thing she weights nothing!

Mikel keeping the wind chill off Emery.

I caught Brandon trying to get me wet
on camera. Now I have proof that
he teases me way to often!
He is in the perfect spot to be pushed
into the icy cold river. He is lucky I'm nice.

My sweet Sierra

My beautiful Riley

My fun Paige

Kami and Emery

The girls loved this huge rock.

Me and my sis, Kami

The next day was a little warmer, not bathing suit
temperature but warm enough for the kids to
play in the sand. And they loved it!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Look like fun I love the family picture...