
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

To the movies

Riley had a 2nd grade field trip to the movies
to see the movie "Chimpanzee".  
It was fun to be able to take time out of my crazy
busy day to spend time with Riley.  This was the
same day as the R.S. Temple activity.  And I still
had so much to do.  Thank goodness for a good 
friend who nudged me to go to the movies 
instead of setting up for the activity!
I'm so glad now I took that time to be with her.
Even though later I was scrambling around trying
to get last minutes stuff done at the activity it was
worth it.  Specially now that everything is said and
done I'm glad I got that moment with her.  She
was also glad I was there. 
I love you Riley!

Some of Riley's friends.
 Hallie, Elyssa and Riley

They all got their own popcorn and drink.
Riley was thrilled they had fruit punch because
she does not like soda pop and would have had to 
dump it and put water in the cup. 

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