
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Paige lost a tooth

I love how Paige is daring and tough.  A couple
of weeks ago she noticed her tooth was wiggly. 
She was surprised because her sister did not loose one 
this young.  Well we decided it was time to pull it
because it could not get any more loose with her
permanent tooth right behind it already growing in. 
Paige got the floss and I tied a knot around it and
she was ready for me to pull it out.  The only problem
was I was not ready. I remember pulling Riley's
and it took us about two hours because Riley
was too scared and I was sick to my stomach
having to pull someone's tooth out. Yuck!
But Paige was brave and said, "go for it mom!"
I asked her what I should count to and she said,
"10!"  I started counting and as I got closer
to ten I was feeling nervous.  I was suppose to 
be the brave one and my 6 year old daughter
was showing me up.  I just don't like inflicting pain
on people! Well I got to 8 and pulled it out.  
Well that surprised her because she was waiting for
me to count to 10. But I could tell she was getting
a little nervous. The tooth came flying out and first
she gave a shocked look and then a nervous laugh
and then this cute smile. 

The next morning she woke up to a note and money
from the tooth fairy.  

1 comment:

Mjika said...

Ah - the anticipation!