
Thursday, July 7, 2011

This Is The Place


Grandma Gardner took the grand kids to
Heritage Park in Salt Lake. The kids loved it
and enjoyed doing things like the pioneers did.

They washed clothes on a wash board.

Then hung it up to dry.

They got to decorate a little draw string bag.

They had pony rides. Riley was a little nervous
after being bucked of a horse before but
this ride was pretty mellow.



There was a little petting zoo with a pig, some goats
and a horse. Owen got way excited when he
was petting the goat. He just followed the goat
around and kept getting urges to squeeze the goat.

The girls pretended they were at school and wrote
their names on little chalk boards. They realized
that school back then is very strict

They were fascinated with the banker who told
them about the different value of the coins.

They rode train.

They dug for gold.

They made arrow head necklaces and rode on
a mini train ride and pounded leather.

Other then the heat of the day it was very fun.
I had no idea this place existed.

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