
Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Discovery Museum

Before my sister and her kids moved out of
state my mom took all the grand kids to
the discovery museum in Salt Lake. This is the
best picture we could take. The kids were to
excited to go play and did not want to hold
still. Owen did not want to get out of his stroller
for the picture and got upset.
Riley, Owen, Aidan, Sierra, Paige, Emery and Maddie

The girls loved the shopping market the best.
Riley shopped and made deli fresh sandwiches
for all the shoppers.

Sierra just shopped and filled too much stuff in
her basket.

Paige spent a long time being the cashier.
It was cute to see all my girls play pretend
with all the other kids even though they did not
know them.

Owen just walked around and would not stay in
one spot for too long.
Emery and Owen

At first Owen would not let go of the toy
lawn mower. We have one at home and so
I think maybe that is why he liked it so much
because he knew what it was.

Later that night we surprised my Sister, Kate
at her house with her children who were with
Grandma all day so she could pack and we brought
pizza and presents. Saying she was shocked was an
understatement. I don't think she was prepared
to have company, nor did she want it. But
there we were. We were celebrating her birthday
a couple weeks early.
Sierra and her cousin Maddie are a month
apart and have so much fun together.

It's too bad my other sister Karissa could
not make it down to be with us.
Kami, Kate and Kristie

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