
Monday, July 20, 2009

Tree House Museum

The girls and I went with Brandon's
sister her girls and Grandma Gardner to
the Tree house Museum. Bran's sister was
in town for a short summer vacation.

Pretending to be fire fighters!

Riley milking a cow!

Paige milking a cow!

Sierra was not so sure about touching the cow.
I think she thought it was real.
But what Sierra really liked was the doll room.

Sierra riding the horse. Again she was skeptical
about getting on the horse.

Paige had no problem.

Riley only got on because it was fake.
It will take a while for her to ride a real
horse again after getting bucked off.

Paige wanted to be an Indian.

Riley loved teaching school. She wrote,
"Mom and Dad"

Riley's students, Maddie and Paige

Of course Paige liked the drums.

I took this picture because Paige made a huge deal
about the toilet. Because it was her size. She was
so excited!

Grandma Gardner teaching the anatomy of the
human body to Maddie and Paige.

Dr. Riley

Sierra and Olivia.

Paige wanted to make a block tower as tall
as her. She almost made it until the urge to wreck
it took over!

Riley loves arts and Crafts.

Paige and Riley thought playing games on
a computer like ours was cool.

Thanks Grandma for the fun day!

1 comment:

Mjika said...

I did not realize there was so much to do there. We will have to add it to our list of places to try.
Welcome back :)