
Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Riding our bikes to school

Riley has been riding her bike to school
with her friend Hallie and her Mom, so she
knew what she was doing when it came
time for me to ride to school with them.
It is a little over 3 miles round trip.
I don't yet own my own bike so I had to borrow
my sister's which has the tiniest seat. I was pretty
sore for a couple days after. I should invent a seat
that is realistic for the human behind! Seriously
could they make them any smaller?
We rode to school for safety awareness week.
Good thing that only happens once a year.

Hallie and Riley

Riley and Me.
I love that Riley still likes having me around.
And I love being able to be involved with anything
my kids are doing. Thanks to my friend for watching
Sierra so I could be with Riley.


allison said...

wow I still cannot believe that Riley is old enough to go to school let alone ride her bike. Good Job Riley. Savannah loved the pictures.

Mjika said...

Just wait til she gets a little older and wants to do it every day!

Larson's said...

So i've never seen you ride a bike before! Where is your helmet??? :)