
Friday, June 12, 2009

Ward Auction

Our ward had an auction for the Y.W and Y.M. to earn
money for camp. They also provided a spaghetti dinner.
The girls had a good time and specially like the candy and movie
in the Primary room while the auction was going on.

Riley and some of her friends.

Paige and Sierra

Brandon had to help out through out the night burt
was able to sit and eat for a few minutes.

Poor Paige however ended our night sonner then planned when
she told me she did not feel good. While rounding up the other
kids she emptied her stomach in the church hall.
Luckly Andrew Harestad was there to rush in and help.
We have such sweet people in our ward.


Jill said...

That was so nice of Andrew to clean that mess up with you. I love the picture of you and Brandon, I took that myself.

Mjika said...

That was a fun night!