This year Syracuse Days started for me at 7:00 A.M.
by running the 5k. This was my first race. I was not at
all in shape. I'm not sure why I signed up for it. Maybe
for something to work towards. I walked/ran before
maybe 4-5 times with my neighbors. I'll admit that the
race was hard and I wanted to walk so many times. Thanks
to my friend Mjika who ran with me and kept me running!

This is us crossing the finish line.
Mjika in the blue and me in the white.
Thanks to Mjika's husband getting up early with
all the kids to come and support his wife I was
able to have these pictures of my first and last race!
My knee was messed up that day and for a few after.
How pathetic am I! I'll stick with being out of shape!!!
It's much easier. No actually I prefer other ways of exercising.
I'm not a fan of running if you couldn't tell.

This is us discussing our time, still out of breath.
I thought we did pretty good for it being my first race.
Our time was, 31:37

Thanks Mjika for running with me and keeping
me going!
When I got home from the race my girls were still asleep.
How come when I have to get up they sleep in but when I
get to sleep in they wake up way early? Since I was wide awake
I decided to wash the car. It was nice to be up that early with
no one out bugging me.
I woke the girls up to get ready for the parade.
Paige and Riley waiting for the candy. Sierra
was to afraid of all the vehicles driving by so she
sat back in the chair.
Grandma Gardner and cousin Josh decided to
come and watch with us.
After the parade we met up with my sister Kami and
her husband Mikel to go to the carnival.

Kami and Me being silly!
We told Paige to jump and bounce down the slide,
so she did!
After we took the girls on a few blow ups and rides we
headed home for lunch, naps and their friend Taebia's
swim birthday party.
Brandon had been gone the entire week at scout camp.
The girls and I missed him so much. He got home during the
swim party the girls were at. And couldn't wait for them
to get home to say hi. The girls were ecstatic when
they saw him!
Except for Sierra who Brandon had to wake up from
her nap. He missed the girls a ton.
Later that afternoon we went back to the carnival
with Brandon and we invited Riley's friend Hallie
to come along. We decided to grab dinner at arctic circle
and eat it at the park instead of paying the outrageous
prices at the carnival.
Their favorite was the blow up slide.

Sierra was too little to go on the blow up slides so she
wanted to go on the animal train.
Paige, Hallie and Riley.
These girls have so much fun together!
We went back home and bathed the girls and got them
in their Pj's for fireworks.
Hallie and Riley all bundled up. Not because it
was cold but because of all the pesty Mosquitos.