
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Clearfield Pool

Brandon and I took the kids swimming at the
Clearfield pool one night for fun.  Paige
was fearless going off the diving board now
that she's done it once there is know stopping
her!  She went for a perfect toe touch. 

Owen loved the freedom of swimming where ever
and could not get enough of the water even though
 the water there is always so dang cold. I can't even
stand it.  I had to warm up in the hot tub for a bit.
I'm glad kids have so much fun swimming that they
don't worry about how cold it is!

Sierra got a little more daring but we still made
her keep her life jacket on.  She is not quite
that good yet. 

Riley and Paige finally dared to go down the 
water slide alone and went down more times
then I could count! 

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