
Friday, March 23, 2012

Learning to Sew

Riley has been going to Activity Days since December
and so I thought I'd better help her pass off some
goals for her for Faith in God. 
We read through some of the requirements 
and she passed some off.
One of the things she picked to do was from the 
category of Developing Talents.  She was suppose
to make something from wood, metal, fabric etc. 
and display her work for others to see. 
There was a stake Activity night for the mothers
and daughters so she decided she could display
her project there.  
Riley decided she wanted to learn to sew and
make a bag.  I'm not an expert at sewing so
I'm glad she picked something easy!  
We went to the store together and she picked
out what fabric she wanted and got to work.
She was a natural and it only took her a 
few days and she was done.  Of course
she preferred sewing then doing her homework.
So that is where she wanted to spend her time
after school!
We sat down and I taught her how to
thread the machine.  Which I remember
my mom teaching me.  And I don't remember
much but that has always stuck with me.
Thanks mom! 
I had her thread it a few times so she
would remember.  The bobbin was
a bit tricky but after a couple of times
she got it by herself. 
She cut the fabric, pinned the fabric and
sewed the fabric all herself.  The only
thing I helped with was the ironing.
I'm to much of a worry wart mom and
was not ready for her to iron yet. 

After her efforts her draw sting bag
was done.  I'm so proud of her for wanting to 
learn something new!

Good Job Riley!

1 comment:

Mjika said...

So cute! She looks so proud - and she should be.