
Saturday, August 27, 2011

Bear Lake with the Sandbergs

We finally got our good friends the Sandbergs
up to the cabin with us. We had so much fun!

The babies, Owen and Sadie hung out
in the play pin sand free!

Poor Sadie did not like her life jacket at first and
got sun screen in her eyes.

But Owen loved his girl life jacket and sitting
on the seat by himself thinking he is so big.

All the kiddos. Riley, Carter, Hallie, Paige,
Sierra and Ellie.

We did not have enough adults to let the kids
ski so Brandon took Riley and Carter wake
boarding with him.

We were having so much fun until this huge
black cloud rolled in and brought heavy rain
and even hail. We could not believe it. We tried
waiting out the storm in the car and planned to
play on the beach after but it would not let up.
Every time it died down us adults would
get out of the car to finish cleaning up the beach
and it started pouring hard again. We attempted it
a few times. I think it dropped at least 10 degrees
from the storm.

Brandon and I soaking wet from head to toe!

After getting warm baths and dinner at the cabin
Brandon, Riley, Ben and Carter went 4 wheeling
while the other kids put on a show for me
and Cassie. I think they are singing,
Once there was a snowman.
Perfect song for a summer night!

1 comment:

Mjika said...

I love that Brandon can ride with kids on the wake board. I tried this summer and thought I was going to die when I crashed so I stopped...will have to build up my courage for next year.