
Saturday, October 12, 2013

Hiking with the Family

My sweet Mother is turning 60 this year and
we asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday.
She has mentioned this before and we knew
it was something she really wanted to do.
She loves to Hike and as a kid would go hiking
with her family up Big Cotton Wood Canyon. 
So for her birthday all the family that could make 
it went Hiking to Doughnut Falls.

Sierra had a soccer game in the morning and before
that Paige and her had soccer pictures but after
lunch we met up with the family at the house
in Cotton Wood where my mom spent her first
5 years of life.  I can't believe she remembers
it so well.  It is a beautiful area.  She is the oldest
of 10 and they only stayed in this house with the first
3 kids in her family.   My mom loved walking us around and
telling us about what the house looked like in side, what her
yard looked like which now is a parking lot for the Bar next
door!  She showed the grandkids where she would play as
a kid and how close the river was to her house that she
would walk to.   My mom loved being able to show us all
her good memories.  

After that we headed up the mountain to start are hike.
The trail up was a mile and a half.  The first part 
was on paved roads so that was not bad.  
Then we came to a fork in the road which a nice
couple had warned us to stay right because it was
less muddy. However we did not listen because 
the fork in the road had a trail head sign on it.  
That ended up being extremely muddy and 
not the best detour.  We tried to get off the trail
and back on the dirt road by crossing the river.
That was adventures.  All our shoes were muddy
and after crossing the river my shoes were soaked.
So I guess that made it less of a worry.  We were wet
and muddy and could do nothing about it but
carry on and make the most of it for my mom.
Even Owen took off running after Emery and 
Mikel towards this bridge and slipped in mud
flat on his back. 
I do like to hike just not get my only work out shoes
muddy.  I guess we all needed work boots like

Owen was such a trooper.  He walked the entire
way up taking turns holding hands with
different people.  

We finally made it to Doughnut Falls
where all the kids needed an adult to help
them over the water and up the moutain
of rocks.  The kids were all doing okay 
until we got to the top and it was much
colder and they got a bit wet.  
So by the time we got down we had
tears.  Thank goodness Grandma
brought extra jackets for the kids to 
wear over their jackets. 

We were heading back down the mountain and
off the trail a bit was this moose just eating and
minding it's business.  We probably got 
to close for our own good but it was neat to see
one up so close and not in a car where we usually
see them. 

After the hike everyone came over to 
our place for dinner.  We asked my mom
what sounded good for dinner and she
picked Spaghetti and Meatballs.
Very simple meal which we all thought
she just picked so we did not have to 
cook so long.  She always puts others
first.  We tried to get her to tell us 
something she really wanted but she insisted
on Spaghetti.  It was nice to be out of
our muddy wet clothes and in our comfy
clothes to hang out the rest of the night.

My mom and John drove back to Idaho
that night because my mom had to teach

I wish we did not need 60th birthdays
for an excuse to get everyone out
together to Hike or do some fun thing
together.  But at least we did and had
a great time. 

My siblings and I have the greatest mom 
in the world.  And I think we all 
believe it completely.  She is one of the most
loving and selfless people I know. 

Happy 60th Birthday!

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