
Friday, November 2, 2012

2012 Family Photo Shoot

We had a Family Friend Photographer take our pictures. 
I wanted the traditional fall look. So we ended up in Farmington
behind Lagoon.  We were not the only families getting their
pictures done that day.  We totally lucked out and the weather was
beautiful.  The kids had fun playing in the leafs and surprisingly
did better then they usually do. Of course I'm ultra picky with 
pictures and always have a vision of how I want my pictures to
turn out which still to this day I have not captured.  But at least
they were all looking at the camera!  I had my neighbors
sister do my girls hair so I had time to get my self ready and
Brandon got Owen ready.  It took most of the picture stress away.
So in the future I'm always going to pay to have my girls hair
done so I don't have to stress about it.  Totally worth it! 
My family, mostly me are not photogenic and so I'm sure
Matt, the photographer was a little disappointed taking our
pictures.  He had us do things we all thought were silly that
I'm sure would have turned out better with different people.
But we had fun and laughed about it!

Like this one for instance.  Totally silly.  Matt told us to run 
to him.  The kids had no idea how silly they might look.
But I absolutely loved their giggles and how much fun they had!

1 comment:

Mjika said...

They turned out fantastic!