
Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve 2011

We had a fun time at Brandon's Parents
house for Christmas Eve. This year
Grandma had different activities for us to
do then what we've done in the past. We did
a present swap game which she provided all
the wrapped presents for us which was nice!
Then the four couples had to work together
to wrap a present with one hand each. The
kids got to judge who's present looked the best.

Then we split into teams and had to carry
a marshmallow on a spoon to a table from
a bowl across the room and then glue it
to a paper to create a snowman.

This one was a little tricky. We also were in teams
and had to take turns unwrapping Hershey kisses
with gloves on and fill the bowl. The kids just
unwrapped them and ate them!

Then we had a beautiful yummy dinner with
Grandma's sister Annie and her family and
Great Grandpa LeCheminant and his wife.
After dinner we all tried to ring the bells to
the right color to make music. That was pretty
funny and loud! Can you tell Riley is
concentrating very hard.

We kept the tradition of acting out the nativity
story from the scriptures. Great Grandpa read
from the scriptures. Riley got to be Mary.
Owen was Joseph and was pretty good about
leaving his robe on. Brandon and his brother
Jeff for some reason always get roped into
being the shepherds. Sierra, Paige and Bailee
were angels.

And what good sports Eli, Jonah and Abe were
to be the three wise men.
It was a wonderful night to reflect on Christ's
Birth and to be together as a family.

We headed home so Santa could visit our home.
The girls opened their traditional present
from Mom and Dad. Even though they have
figured we get them Pajamas for their
Christmas Eve Present they still
get excited to see what they look like. Some
years they match and some they don't.
This year I procrastinated a little and they
shipped to my house the day before in a
Disney box so the girls had a little idea.
But they loved them!

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