
Monday, March 1, 2010

Vegas Trip

For Brandon's 30th Birthday I surprised him
with a trip to Vegas and Nascar tickets.
We spent 5 days there seeing shows, visiting friends, going
to the races and visiting the Vegas Temple.
I told Brandon on the way down to Vegas that I was
really looking forward to the Temple and Eating out! You
can't tell I'm pregnant and love food! After the trip was
said and done my favorite part was visiting the temple and
coming home to my girls. I missed them so much. That was
the longest we've been away from them. I know I'm crazy
because I'm always needing a break but 5 days was too
long for me. I think next time I need my break I'll just
head to Layton for dinner so I only have to be away from
them for a couple of hours.
Are good friends the Jolley's who moved last year from our
ward here in Syracuse to Las Vegas went out to eat a few times
with us and attended the temple with us for sealings. They are
awesome friends and we miss having them living close.
I think my favorite looking temple is now the Vegas. I think
it is so pretty on the out side.

We went to a Cirque du soleil show called, "KA".
It was so amazing. The performers were all
so fit and talented acrobatics. They would not
let you take pictures so all we got was in the
Cirque du soleil store trying on some of their masks.

We spent a lot of time walking the strip. Which
was fun the first time but not the 100th time.
We stopped in the M&M store which was
4 floors full of souvenirs. We also watched
the dumbest 3D M&M movie but it was
good to sit down for a few minutes!

The next day we spent at the races. Brandon
loved the drifting cars the best. We had awesome
seats where we could see the entire track. It was fun
to see what you're use to seeing on TV.
We had good advise from friends who told us
to BBQ in the parking lot after the races in stead of
sitting in our car for 3 hours. So we grilled up steaks.
After spending a few hours parked next to some drunk
people I again was so grateful for the knowledge of
the gospel. All Brandon and I did was just laugh at them.
They thought we were laughing with them. They
were totally stupid. And what bugs me the most is that
after the line of cars dyed down they got in their cars
and drove home. Hello-can you say DUI.
It was still fun spending time with my sweet heart.

It was finally time to head home to my girls. My girls bounced
from my house with my mom to Bran's mom's house then
ended up at my sister in law's house. We thought Sierra
would run up and give us both hugs when we walked through
the door but in stead starred at us, picked her nose and then
walked over to us. But we know she missed us because she
was in such a good mood on the drive home.
We bought the girls masks which they call the, "3 Musketeer
masks", like the Barbie movie. They absolutely love them.
We also bought them sparkly M&M cups all the same
so they can't fight over them.


Corey and Susie said...

AAHHHHH...a BOY, seriously, CONGRATULATIONS!! That is so fun for you guys!
Vegas looks fun...what a surprise,I'm trying to plan something for Corey's 30th!

Jill said...

Looks like you had a fun trip. You are such a good wife to go to all that work and trouble, Brandon is lucky to have you!

Emily said...

Fun - and I hope a bit warmer!!

Cool to see the Jolley's on here. I can't see you at a car race - but I'm still glad you had a good time!!