
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

The girls had a hard time finding their hidden
Easter baskets the Bunny hid. 

Paige and her Best Friend
Riley Tidwell

The Family

Paige opening her Birthday presents from
her sisters and Mommy and Daddy.
I love her face on this one when she got a peak
of what it was. (Hungry Hungry Hippo)
She loves to play games! 

She grew out of her life jacket.  So she needed
a new one.  Not so much anymore, but she
use to want to wear her life jacket all the time
even at home. We would have to hide it from
her and if she found it she would cry if we
did not let her wear it!  

Coloring the Easter Eggs.
For some reason Sierra thought the
dye was coolaid or something yummy! 

We had Easter dinner at Brandon's Aunt Ann's house.
Along with a Egg hunt for the kids. 


Larson's said...

What cute kids you have. I can't believe you let them color eggs in their good clothes....Your brave! Your family picture is so good.

The Poulson's said...

SO CUTE! Looks like you had a great easter

The Lillians said...

Your family is so cute! I wish we lived closer so we could all hang out!