
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Oh Christmas tree Oh Christmas tree....

We've always gotten a real tree. But our
tradition of cutting it down this year and last
did not happen because we were out of town so
we had to shop around the town. We might have
to retire that tradition and get a new one.
We found this nursery in Clearfield that had
nice trees. So we got one of their biggest trees.

I love this picture of my favorite boys in the world!
Little "O" and Big Daddy!

We took a chance with this tree because it
was so cold out side the tree branches had
not fallen down into place so we did not know
if it had any bald spot. But we guessed good.
As soon as it got in our warm house the branches
began to fall and the tree was so pretty it looked fake.

The kids look forward to decorating the tree
every year together as a family. We hang one ornament
at a time. It's fun to talk about each one since
they are from Brandon's childhood and some from
are family vacations over the years.
The girls each have a few of their own to hang.

1 comment:

Mjika said...

Great choice - so nice and full!