
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve with Brandon's family.
We had a wonderful dinner.
Thank You Lisa!
Spencer's parents, me and Brandon

Bob, Lisa, Katie and Spencer

We then acted out the Nativity as we do every year.
Sierra got to play Mary which did not last long and I ended
up taking over the roll. I'm usually the picture taker but
we needed a Mary, so I don't have any picture of the others.

We sang songs and the kids made the music with the chimes!

Sierra did not get that you have to hold the string and not
the metal chime to make music.

Every year we let the girls open one present, which is always
new matching PJ's. Riley finally caught on what the present
was going to be before they opened it.
It is getting harder to find matching PJ's with
the different sizes I have to get.
It turned out to be a wonderful night. I probably
enjoyed it more then Christmas Day. I'm so grateful
For the birth of our Savior. It was nice to have the night
to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas.


Mjika said...

Wow - quite the updates! I enjoyed catching up on all of your adventures. The girls crack me up with on Christmas Sunday.
Seems like I have not seen you forever! Hope you guys are doing well! And can't wait for summer so we can waste away the afternoons out visiting!

allison said...

I am glad you updated your blog. Love all the new pictures. I agree with the whole matching thing when you have to shop in different departments for the older one it is hard to find matching stuff.