
Monday, August 12, 2013


Brandon went for a week to scout camp and while
he was there learned this really hard game and being
the competitive person that I am I had to try it.  Not
to really compete with others but more for myself.
If someone tells me I can't do it then I have to
 prove them wrong.  I don't know if that is a good 
thing or not! 
Anyway,  it is really hard and I fell a few times.  
You have to have strength in your stomach and arms.
You have to hold on to a stick with one hand and place it
in the ground while not stepping over a line or in our
case the other stick and with the other hand place the
rock on the ground, not throwing it and then pull 
your self back up to a standing position with
one arm.  Crazy I know but fun! 
I only did it a few times and it left my elbow sore.

 Oh, and family I named the game, "Rock Drop".  
Not sure what and if there is a name for it. 

Spencer is so tall that even if I was stronger I could not 
pass his rock.

Rachael and Katie gave it a try which I was impressed
with having had babies recently.  And we all know that
there is no stomach muscle after having babies.
Even Grandma gave it a try and did great! 

We actually went to Brandon's parents so the men could help
Bob tear up the concrete so they could poor a new walk way
to the front door.   The men worked fast and
Lisa made us dinner and we enjoyed each others company. 

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