
Friday, August 23, 2013

Sierra's Birthday

 My "Sister Bee" turned

Her birthday was on a Friday and
she got to wear her new dress and
I curled her hair so she would 
feel pretty on her birthday.

Sierra wanted to bring popcorn for her birthday
treat to share with the class.  Not the easiest but
it made her happy. 

Sierra wanted a Cow Girl birthday party.
I got her this cute hat that she loved! 
I love her cute little bit of freckles on her nose! 

We had her party that night on her birthday.
We had all decorated western.  I had hats
for all the girls and sheriff badges for the boys.
Some of the adults wore their boots and hats also.
We had dinner first and the party celebration after.

I thought Owen and  Sierra
looked so cute! 

 Grandma and Grandpa Gardner and Sierra 

Sierra and Great Grandpa and Grandma Gardner

Sierra and Aunt Karissa 

Sierra and Great Grandpa LeCheminant and Brenda 

Grandpa Corrigan and Sierra  

Sierra loved her doll she got.   

Sierra and her chocolate cake.  She knows how
to pick the yummy cakes.  

Sierra and Brenda had fun drawing on her 
new white board. 

Grandma and Grandpa Avery drove down from
Idaho just for Sierra's party.  Sierra was in her
Pajamas and ready for bed.  It had been a long
fun day for her. 


Candy, particularly chocolate
Her banket and teddy bear
Playing with her sisters and their friends
Games on the computer
The color Pink and Purple


Weight- 34 pounds at 1%

Height- 41 1/2 inches at 3%


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Farmington 9th Ward Summer Party

Lisa invited us to her ward summer party.
They had a BBQ first and then swimming at the
Farmington pool.  Free dinner and fun!  
Can't turn that down!
Brandon's sister and brothers family came too.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Jump Jump Jump

For a family night our family and my sister Kate's
family had dinner and then went again to
 Sky Walker Haven since the husbands 
could go this time and Owen was feeling
better.  It also was the last time to hang out
before my sister headed back home to 

These video's are for my family since
they are the only ones that would actually enjoy

Sierra doing her Toe Touches

Paige doing her back handsprings

Sierra bouncing off the wall

Owen jumping over the foam blocks that him
and Aidan kept building

This one is my favorite video.  Riley and Paige
were trying to show me how they back to back
walked on the wall.  And sierra was not in on this
plan but was watching and threw her foam block
down and joined in right on Que.  But then
slipped while trying it.  So cute! 

This last video is my girls bugging me to record
them.  So this is what they came up with. 

It really is a fun place and so many times I wanted
to run out there and do tricks and play with my kids.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Soccer Season

It is that time again for Soccer.
Paige absolutely loves soccer.
And Sierra has been begging me
for a year now to do soccer.  I really
did not think she would enjoy it 
where as she is more of the sit back
and relax kind of girl.  And she really
never watched her sisters play.
However she surprised us all and
got into the game and does quite well. 

Sierra is number six. 

I love this action shot of Paige.  She plays 
very good defense.  

This is Sierra's first practice before her first game ever.

Friday, August 16, 2013


I got this groupon as did everyone else and of course
waited until right before it expired so it was
busy at the Ogden Aquatic center.
The kids never seem to mind.  So funny though
I just bought this really expensive swim suit
and everywhere I go I see other women
wearing it.  It's hard to find cute and modest swim
wear for women. So when you do so does 
everyone else!

Owen loved doing everything. 

Riley stayed on the low diving board.

While Paige was brave and went on the high dive.

Riley loved the slide.  

Sierra loved Daddy taking her down the slide
over and over again. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Out to Lunch

Lucky Owen and me, that Brandon happen to be
 somewhat close that day for work and we met him
 at the BBQ place in Syracuse for lunch. 
We don't get to do that very often since he
usually works an hour or more from home each day.
We loved it!  the food was messy but good! 

Monday, August 12, 2013


Brandon went for a week to scout camp and while
he was there learned this really hard game and being
the competitive person that I am I had to try it.  Not
to really compete with others but more for myself.
If someone tells me I can't do it then I have to
 prove them wrong.  I don't know if that is a good 
thing or not! 
Anyway,  it is really hard and I fell a few times.  
You have to have strength in your stomach and arms.
You have to hold on to a stick with one hand and place it
in the ground while not stepping over a line or in our
case the other stick and with the other hand place the
rock on the ground, not throwing it and then pull 
your self back up to a standing position with
one arm.  Crazy I know but fun! 
I only did it a few times and it left my elbow sore.

 Oh, and family I named the game, "Rock Drop".  
Not sure what and if there is a name for it. 

Spencer is so tall that even if I was stronger I could not 
pass his rock.

Rachael and Katie gave it a try which I was impressed
with having had babies recently.  And we all know that
there is no stomach muscle after having babies.
Even Grandma gave it a try and did great! 

We actually went to Brandon's parents so the men could help
Bob tear up the concrete so they could poor a new walk way
to the front door.   The men worked fast and
Lisa made us dinner and we enjoyed each others company. 

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


For Owen's actual birthday and to do something fun with
cousins My sister Kate and our kids went to Sky Walker
Haven.  The husbands were both working and could not make it.
 Poor Owen was not feeling good but said he still
wanted to go.  The kids had a blast! 

Paige, Sierra, Aidan, Maddie, Riley and Owen

The kids spent most of their time on the zip line.
Specially Sierra.  She got creative and would go backwards
and even do a pull over flip at the end.  
Owen however wanted to do it and then got scared 
but finally I lifted him up and he was ready to go.  But then 
too scared to let go at the end.  So funny!  Plus he was 
not feeling all that good. Poor little guy. 

Riley loved doing her Back Handsprings. 

Monday, August 5, 2013

Big Boy Hair Cut

 In lua of Owen's birthday he got his first hair cut professionally.
Usually Brandon or I cut his hair.  He sat so still and was so good
for the hair stylist.  Such a stud! 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Super Hero Party

My little Owen Boy Turned 3
I can't believe it!  
He loves Super Heros so that is what his party
was all about. 
He wore his Cape and Batman shirt for
the party.  Yes I know that Batman
and Super Man with the cape are two 
different super heroes but Owen
loves them both. 

Grandpa Corrigan and Gloria could not make
it to his party at night and stopped by earlier to
give him a present. 

 I made masks for all the kids to wear at the party.



Aunt Karissa could not make it to Owen's party
so we snapped a picture when she was up for
Sierra's party.  Owen is smiling so cute and I did
not get very good pictures at his party.  Most of
them were blurry.  I was trying to figure out my new

Grandpa Gardner and the all the Great Grandkids

Grandpa LeCheminant and Brenda and the Great Grandkids 
Grandpa loved his Mask and loves being silly with the kids. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Birthday Celebration

It was my 31st Birthday on July 30th
and so my sweet sisters took me out to lunch
at the Olive Garden, which I love.  And then we did 
a little shopping afterwards.  I could have spent all day
 with them, but we were not that lucky and I had to pick
my kids up from school.  

Later that night after I took the kids to tumbling and we did
homework the kids gave me some presents that they were
so excited to give and then we had a yummy Ice cream cake
that Brandon surprised me with.  

After getting the kids in bed my awesome, sweet friends
came by to visit and give me a gift.  They are such amazing
friends.  They took so much thought and time into to my
gifts.  I feel so lucky to have such great friends.  They
made me the most delicious banana bread and salad
spoons which they got the wood to make from a tree at a park.
So cool!  I loved it! 

I had many other visitors that day.  I'm so blessed to have
great family, friends and neighbors.   

A couple nights later we went out with Brandon's family to celebrate
Mine and Rachael's Birthday at the Mandarin restaurant. 
 We were happy to have Jason in town to join us and
 missed Spencer who was out of town.  
Jason, Ali,  Brandon, Bob, Lisa, Katie, Jeff, Rachael and Kristie