
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Family Gatherings

This day was my older sister Kate's Birthday!
Riley orchestrated a show for her with all the kids.  
 Paige, Maddie, Sierra, Aidan, Riley and Owen

After church we went to my other sister Kami's house
for a BBQ to be together and celebrate Kate's birthday.
My sister had her kiddy pool set up full of water and
we spent the whole night tell the kids to stay away and
not get wet.  We finally got sick of telling them to walk
away and let them have at it in their clothes.  And
they thought that was the funnest thing!

We did not think to snap a picture before my
sister Karissa left back home.  Dang it.
Kate, Kami, Kristie 

It seemed like a big day with a lot going on 
but it was good to be with family. 
Brandon had to speak in sacrament meeting
as well as give a lesson in Priesthood.
I also taught in my Sunday school class.
After my sister Kami's house we went
to Brandon's parents house to be
with family since Brandon's sister was in

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