So it was that time of year to head to the cabin
with all the family to begin the summer season.
Of course the first five minutes Owen jumped on
the 4 wheeler and stayed there a bit!
Brandon slid down behind the fireplace to wire
up an outlet for Bob's lighted trees.
Owen and Bailee were so cute snacking and for some
reason wanted to lay on the kitchen floor and pose
the same.
Riley made a tunnel over the stairs.
Along with giving a kid a card
board box to play with
you can now add foam pads to that list.
The kids love them and think up of all sorts
of things to do with them.
Owen tried on Brandon's work boots and thought
he was cool stuff!
Brandon made shakes for the kids with Owen's help!
Owen loves following our little friend dog around.
Owen was glad Brandon wanted to ride because that
is all Owen wanted to do.
Riley thinks she is so mature now being able to drive
the 4 wheeler all by herself now! She about ran it out
of gas going up and down the hill. I don't think she ever
got tired of it. We told Riley the next time were were
up at the cabin she would not be able to drive the
4 wheeler unless she tried skiing. She did not like
that deal.
Owen even got Grandma to take him on a ride too!
We also shot some guns. Sierra was the only kid who
came to join in on the fun.