
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Owen in the sink

I guess only me and his Grandma's
would think this is cute.  And I know
I can't give Owen a bath in the kitchen
sink forever.  Usually I can just wipe his 
hands off after lunch but with spaghetti
I had to strip him down and plop him
in the kitchen sink.  He had spaghetti 
in places he shouldn't have!  Plus he loved
playing in the water and I did not have
to bend over a tub to wash him.  
It was quite convenient! 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Chocolate Factory Field Trip

Sierra had another Preschool field trip in North Salt Lake
at Mrs. Cavanaugh's chocolate Factory. 
She got to see how the factory got started and 
how they make the delicious chocolate candy
It was kind of hard for the preschoolers to really
appreciate it.  They let all of us have a chocolate.
But of course Sierra did not like it because it had
carmel in it.  So the kind worker went and got one
just for her that was all chocolate. 

They also had a mini town for a train to go around. 
Sierra and Owen watched that forever. 

Sierra's Preschool class

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years 2012

After our quick visit to my mom in Idaho we left straight
to Bear Lake to be with Brandon's family for 
New Years.
Spencer brought some guns up for us adults to shoot.
I have only ever shot a 22 or a shot gun so it 
was fun and a little scary to shoot a glock 40 and
a 45 magnum revolver.  I had to ask Brandon what 
kind of guns I shot to put this on the blog.  And I'm sure 
I could not remember them if I had to point them out either!
 Brandon, Spencer and Jeff

Later that night we celebrated the new year with a 
count down around 8:30 in stead of Midnight for the kids.
Grandma is so awesome and brought a ton of confetti
poppers and noise makers.  The kids and adults had
so much fun making a mess and being loud. 
Tate, Rachael, Katie and Grandma

 The kids had fun shooting the poppers off the loft
and watching the confetti float down.

 The Grandkids...
Bailee, Riley, Owen, Paige, Sierra, Josh and Tate

My four...
Riley, Owen, Paige and Sierra

Later after we cleaned up and put the kids to bed
it was time for some adult time to hang out and 
watch a movie.  And of course we could not
forget the snacks and treats.  The funny thing is when 
we were all down stairs and heard a big pop 
sound and then Brandon laughing.  We ran up stairs to 
find him holding the top of a sparkling sider bottle 
and the ceiling dripping from the drink.  Kind, tall Spencer
wiped it off for him while Brandon cleaned 
the floor.  And the rest of us just laughed! 

The next day we hit the four wheelers and did some
Jeff and Riley 

Paige, Sierra, Brandon and Owen

 Owen loved going on rides on the four wheeler. 
He did not care who took him.  Even though it was 
way past his nap time and he was tired he would not
give up the rides. 
And he even got some of his own driving time!