
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Spring Soccer

I wanted to post this of Riley
because I'm so proud of her. This 
particular Saturday's weather was a little 
questionable if there was going to be a game
 or not. But we showed up anyway and played. 
It was just Riley and the coaches daughter
 Kylin who were there. In this video it was just 
Riley playing against the other team since Kylin 
decided to stop playing for some reason. 

For those of you that know Riley, she can be very
shy at times and get embarrassed easily. However
she was brave and played by herself. 
And scored a goal, which I happened to catch on film. 

Yeah Riley!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Paige's 3 year old Check Up

Paige had her 3 year old check up. 
She did quite well for her usual
drama at the doctors. 
It was probably because it was just
a check up and there were no shots involved. 

Paige getting her weight checked.
31 lbs.  at 53%

37 inches at 48%

Waiting for the doctor. 

She usually cries when the doctor listens to her heart.

Of course my tom girl would pick a "
Spider Man"  sticker. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Spring cleaning

Okay so I hate spring cleaning. So I put it off 
until I can put it off no more. I have never
cleaned my blinds like this before. But
after living in my house for 4 years I thought
it was time. I've tried to spot clean them in the 
house but this gets them looking brand new. 

Oh believe me it is a pain. It took me 3 days. 
Of course I'm sure I could get them all done in one
Saturday if my kids were not trying to help. But 
they were too cute helping. 

I laid out an old blanket and sprayed and scrubbed them. 
Then sprayed them again and then moved them to
another blanket to dry. What a process. I have 11 sets of 
blinds in my house. 
I am so glad they are done. I've heard you can pay someone
about 75 dollars to clean them for you but my husbands 
rule is if you can do it yourself then DO IT. 
I would agree with that rule maybe to teach my  kids
the lesson of Hard Hard Hard work but for me umm
maybe next time I'll pay. 
It was not worth the back pain from spending 5-15 minutes
on each blind just trying to get it  unhooked from the wall. 
Oh not to mention me standing on a 3 inch ledge above my
stairs to get those blinds down. 

I'm glad they are done and they do look awesome!

Next time I pay or its Brandon's job!!!

Paige tumbling

Now that Paige is 3 she has had many new
experiences. Tumbling is her newest. 
She loves it! However she gets shy and
scared in front of a lot of kids. 

Paige is pretty flexible and has always been. 
She has great back bends. 
Don't pay attention to the rack of leotards. 
I was trying to be sneaky. 
If she sees me she won't tumble. 

Paige is trying to do a cart wheel. 
She can't decide what foot to put forward first. 
One day she does left and the next right. 

Of course the pit and tramp are her 
favorite part of tumbling!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Out with the old on with the new

Brandon's sister Katie and her husband
Spencer needed the guys help to remove their
swamp cooler. So it became a family event.
Katie and Spencer had us up for dinner along
with jeff, Rachael, Lisa, Bob and the kids. 

I love how you can always count on family
when you need a hand with something. 

"How many guys does it take to remove a swamp cooler!"

Paige eating a Popsicle 

Josh could not get enough!

The kids were getting board so we took a walk to the park.

When we got back from the park Grandpa
was in the roof! 

Brandon Spencer and Jeff throwing the 
swamp cooler off the roof. 

Friday, April 17, 2009

Paige at the Dentist

Paige's first time to the Dentist.
She looks so happy and confident
in the first picture and then...

She gets scared. Notice I have to sit in the 
chair with her. 
She even watched Me, Brandon, and Riley go first. 
She let the Hygentist check a few teeth. But the 
noisey tooth brush they have scared her. 
Then the light was too bright so she copied her
sister, Riley and wanted to wear the sunglasses.
In this pictute she has had enough. From what the
Dentist could tell she is Cavity FREE.  Yeah!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Miss Independent!

Sierra is one of the best climbers!
At first it made me nervous but now
not so much because she does it so
often.  She usually gets in her chair
and buckles her belt a lot faster, but
she knew I was filming her. 

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

The girls had a hard time finding their hidden
Easter baskets the Bunny hid. 

Paige and her Best Friend
Riley Tidwell

The Family

Paige opening her Birthday presents from
her sisters and Mommy and Daddy.
I love her face on this one when she got a peak
of what it was. (Hungry Hungry Hippo)
She loves to play games! 

She grew out of her life jacket.  So she needed
a new one.  Not so much anymore, but she
use to want to wear her life jacket all the time
even at home. We would have to hide it from
her and if she found it she would cry if we
did not let her wear it!  

Coloring the Easter Eggs.
For some reason Sierra thought the
dye was coolaid or something yummy! 

We had Easter dinner at Brandon's Aunt Ann's house.
Along with a Egg hunt for the kids. 

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Scary Easter Bunny

I had to post this picture! My girls are so funny!
Notice Paige is crying and Sierra is screaming
No, No, No!
They did not want to sit by the Easter Bunny.
I thought they would be okay if I sat with them,
But not a chance. 
Riley is obviously old enough to not care. 
She thought it was funny that the bunny had
shoes on. Way to go Walmart you got a for
Real bunny!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Paige's Birthday PARTY!

Paige is THREE years old!
I can't believe it! 

This year Paige's Birthday happened to be 
on Easter. So we celebrated her birthday 
the Friday before. Thanks to all the family
and friends that stopped by for the party
to celebrate with us on her special day. 
She had fun and loved all your company! 


-Her pink blanket
-Tootsie Rolls
-Playing outside
-Polly Pockets
-Riley Tidwell


-Picking up her toys
-Dogs (she is getting better)


Paige and her Bunny Birthday Cakes

Uncle Spencer and Aunt Katie

Jill and Hallie

Maytlin and Kyle

Nikki, Aspen and Kali

Paige, Mikel, Grandpa, Riley and uncle Mark

This picture is so cute! Paige and her best 
friend Riley Tidwell. 

Sierra and Grandma Gardner
Sierra does not look too happy but really
she is thrilled to have Grandma hold her. 
Grandma G. is her favorite person! 

Paige's favorite princess is Ariel

Michelle, Paige and Patrick. 
Paige Loves Chocolate Cake!

Aunt Kami tickling Paige!